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The Roman armies were able to defeat and conquer so many people because they were better equipped, better trained, and better disciplined. They were simply better than their enemies.

The Roman armies were able to defeat and conquer so many people because they were better equipped, better trained, and better disciplined. They were simply better than their enemies.

The Roman armies were able to defeat and conquer so many people because they were better equipped, better trained, and better disciplined. They were simply better than their enemies.

The Roman armies were able to defeat and conquer so many people because they were better equipped, better trained, and better disciplined. They were simply better than their enemies.

The Roman armies were able to defeat and conquer so many people because they were better equipped, better trained, and better disciplined. They were simply better than their enemies.

The Roman armies were able to defeat and conquer so many people because they were better equipped, better trained, and better disciplined. They were simply better than their enemies.

The Roman armies were able to defeat and conquer so many people because they were better equipped, better trained, and better disciplined. They were simply better than their enemies.

The Roman armies were able to defeat and conquer so many people because they were better equipped, better trained, and better disciplined. They were simply better than their enemies.

The Roman armies were able to defeat and conquer so many people because they were better equipped, better trained, and better disciplined. They were simply better than their enemies.

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12y ago

The Roman armies were able to defeat and conquer so many people because they were better equipped, better trained, and better disciplined. They were simply better than their enemies.

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