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Q: How could the wide spread of compost affect water pollution that results from the use of chemical fertilizers?
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What is a type of gardening that utilizes organic compost for fertilizers?

all plants can with the application of compost as a source of nutrition, especially combined with the use of biological fertilizer, the results can be maximized. The most important should be routine in the care of providing fertilizer, because the nutritional content of compost is very little different from chemical fertilizers.

What are the advantages of chemical fertilizers and pesticides?

Fast acting and results oriented are advantages of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.Specifically, chemical fertilizers act nutrients quickly into the soil and into the plant's roots and circulatory system. Immediate results are seen in the growth of roots and shoots and the development of flowers, fruits and seeds. The same instant gratification can be achieved when chemical pesticides are used. Chemical pesticides kill the pest in question.

What is a description of a compost pile?

An above-ground, unconfined heap that offers dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich organic matter called compost or humus is a description of a compost pile. The compost results from the natural breakdown of alternately layered, small-sized carbon- and nitrogen-rich recyclables by macro- and micro-organisms. It serves as home-made, natural, non-chemical, non-genetically modified, non-synthetic soil amendments, fertilizers and mulches.

What is meant by vermicompost?

Now a days farmers are yielding good results by using vermicompost, the compost prepare by using earth worms . Earth worm is one of the animal which is helpful to us.It is called farmer's friend .Using vermicompost in place of chemical fertilizers will make the soil fertile.

What is the best fertilizer in Calgary?

Balanced, slow-release fertilizers and organic fertilizers such as compost are the best fertilizers in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. They generally demand a maximum of two applications per year, depending upon the results of a soil analysis. The first treatment is in the early summer and the second in the middle to late fall.

What Types of Fertilizers Can Be Used For Fertilizing Lawns?

For quality growth and substance, lawns need fertilizer. Good fertilizer supplies food for the lawn and improves the condition of the soil for sustained growth. Fertilizing will improve the strength and look of any lawn. Fertilizers come in two basic types, chemical and organic. Chemical fertilizers often contain specified amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and magnesium. They come in sprays and granules and must be applied according to the package directions. Too much chemical fertilizer can damage a lawn, and too little won't produce the desired results. Chemical fertilizers are harmful to aquatic life and should not be used around ponds, lakes, or any water supply. Doing so kills fish and can damage the ecosystem. Try not to use them immediately before a heavy rain either since infiltration and run-off tend to bring chemical fertilizers to water supplies. Organic fertilizers are found in the form of manure and compost. Steer manure and chicken manure are often used because of the high nitrogen, phosphorus, and magnesium content, but they tend to have a lingering odor for the first few weeks after the application. Horse manure also works well and doesn't have quite as strong an odor as either steer or chicken manure. Any of these manures are good for fertilizing lawns. Vermicompost can be obtained at wormeries or can be produced at home using worms and organic materials. Vermicompost is richer in the necessary elements than regular compost and stays in the soil longer than chemical fertilizers. The liquid produced by vermiculture, known as worm tea, can be diluted with water and sprayed on the lawn. Regular organic compost contains lower concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, and magnesum. Consumers can purchase compost at speciality locations, or they can make compost using nearly any biodegradable household products. Chemical fertilizers tend to be cheaper than organic counterparts, and need to reapplied at regular intervals for peak performance. They are easier to obtain than organic fertilizers because chemical fertilizers are available at almost any store that carries lawn supplies. Organic fertilizers often must be obtained through lawn and garden supply stores or speciality stores. The choice to use chemical or organic fertilizers should be made based on location, need and price. Organic fertilizers are more environmentally friendly, but chemical fertilizers are generally cheaper and more accessible. However, both chemical and organic fertilizers are good for fertilizing lawns.

What are the disadvantages of using natural fertilizers?

Availability, costs and results may be disadvantages of using natural fertilizers. Artificial, chemical, inorganic, synthetic fertilizers are available through a widespread, established network of suppliers. Also, prices tend to be higher, and amounts tend to be smaller, in terms of natural fertilizers. Additionally, natural fertilizers tend to produce less dramatic results over a longer period of time.

Can you consider a tornado as an act of air pollution?

No, air pollution results from putting chemical substances into the air. A tornado is entirely a physical occurrence.

What results do you get by using bio fertilizers instead of chemical fertilizers?

Improved soil fertility and disease resistance are results of using bio fertilizers instead of chemical fertilizers.Specifically, bio fertilizers are nitrogen fixing bacteria and phosphate solubilizing bacteria and fungi. They develop symbiotic relationships that are mutually beneficial to the micro-organisms and plant roots. They release nutrients back slowly enough in the soil that plants have the time to direct them into activities other than growth, such as disease resistance and stress tolerance.

Does compost have to do with food safety?

Yes, compost has to do with food safety. Dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich organic matter called compost or humus is the organic product of an natural process that delivers macro- and micro-nutrients to soils and soil food web members, such as plant roots, in natural, non-chemical, non-genetically altered, non-synthetic ways. Its use as soil amendments, fertilizers and mulches results in the growth of edible, ornamental and wildflowering crops and plants that lack chemical, genetically altered or synthetic influences and inputs that compromise environmental health and human well-being.

What do farmers use compost for?

Soil amendments, fertilizers, mulches, and rejuvenators are the uses that farmers have for compost. Compost is the dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich organic material that results from the human-intervened or Mother Nature-guided breakdown of carbon- and nitrogen-rich recyclables. It occupies a particularly important place on organic farms where inputs and resources must be local, natural, and on-site.

What do you consider pollution?

The introduction of contaminants, chemical or energy-based, into a natural environment that results in eventual damage to ecosystems.