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This theory is based on there being more than one universe, i.e. That our universe exists as part of a larger Multiverse

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Q: How could two universes collide to cause the big bang when there is only one universe?
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Could the universe membrane theory and multiverse suggest that when two universes collide They create a new universe?

Yes. One possible source for the big bang that scientists have been discussing is that the big bang occurred when two membranes intersected. It is possible that our universe is the intersection of two five dimensional membranes.

Could everyone have their own parallel universe?

In theory there are a infinite parallel universes, one for each possibility.

Is 'multiverse' a concrete noun or an abstract noun?

'Multiverse' is an abstract noun because by definition it is purely hypothetical. It suggests the possibility of other universes and by definition we could never physically interact with other universes even if they exist. Other universes are not perceptible to our senses. They are physically disconnected from our universe.

How many parallel universes are in the universe?

3, or perhaps more. It depends on the theory to which you ascribe. For example, recent research done at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) led to the creation of ekpyrotic theory. According to ekpyrotic theory, our universe and its creation stems from the collision of two "branes" that could theoretically and literally represent parallel universes. According to Julian Barbour, an infinite number of parallel universes exist, since every time a decision is made on either the microscopic or macroscopic level, a bifurcation is created leading to the birth of a new "universe". Long answer short, minimally 2 parallel universes, maximally infinit.

Is there another Universe in a different dimension?

Some theories allow for the possibility that other universes (some of which might have a different number of dimensions than our own) could exist, though it's generally believed that there is no possible way to actually observe these other universes.

Can world world happen againg?

Yes. Well, technically maby, but, if a universe were to collide with ours, the entire existence would be obliterated OR if our universe splits a paralel universe, it could be exactly the same as ours or a little different Source:Tv show:The Universe

Is you true that there are more universes?

The idea of multiple universes is, like many other things, a theory. It could be true, it could not.

Where you stand in the universe?

Personally, I am a human on earth, which revolves around the sun, which is one star out of billions in our galaxy, which is part of a galaxy cluster, which is one of billions of galaxy clusters in the universe. For all we know, there could be multiple universes within the giant vacuum of space. So I am an extremely minute spec on the landscape of the universe.

Could black holes and quasars be early forms of the big bang?

The writer may be referring to the theory that black holes could spawn new universes (Smolin's Fecund universe). This is highly theoretical is a along way from being proven.

Is there allternate space and times?

At present, the existence of alternate universes, or alternate time-lines in our own Universe, is purely a matter of speculation. We not only can not determine if they exist, we're not even sure how we could test their existence.

Is it possible that the reason the universe is still speeding up is because it's being powered by a blackhole from another universe?

No. Anything in another universe would not affect this universe (if indeed you can speak of several universes - universe means EVERYTHING) But there could be regions that we cannot get to no matter what (another bubble) but then the gravity from that other bubble could not get to us either. There may be very large amounts of matter that we cannot see (is not luminous nor absorbs light) this larger mass may be what is powering expansion.

What could be an accurate term for travelling to other universes?
