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please wash hands and cook food especailly if you work at a restaurant at any job in the restraunt. Normal people can get these and i am actually terrified of getting one. EVERYONE NEEDS TO WASH HANDS AFTER GOING TO THE BATHROOM TO HELP PREVENT IT. nUMBING IN ARMS AND SOME ITCHY SPOTS ON YOUR HEAD OR A MUSCLE BEING RIPPED.

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You will not be able to fix air conditioner leaks by yourself. You will need to find and call a qualified technician. Use your local yellowpages book or

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Q: How could worms enter human brain and what are the symptoms?
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Comparing the human brain to a computer is an?

Not sure what kind of answer you are looking for. In English literature, that would be considered a simile."A human brain is like a computer."Or it could be an understatement, considering the human brain is extremely powerful in ways a computer never will be.

Could you show pictures of a human brain and an elephant brain?

yes and i can show you more brains of other animals.

What is correct human brain or human brains?

human brain. seeing as a human only has one brain.

What is different between human and animals brain?

One different is the human have a larger neocortex than a animals.Also,the convolutions resulting in gryi and sulci in the human brain is sometimes not seen in a lower animals or is less complex.

How could phosphate enter the water system?

From human and animal's waste water.

Could someone have a Third Eye in the center-back of their head for rear vision?

Yes and no. The brain human brain could cope with it but we currently have no way of synthesising an eye or the optic nerve and its connection to the brain.

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The Human Brain Weighs More Than The Human Lung.

Why is the human brain called the brain?

the human brain can give us lot of information

What weighs more the human brain or human lungs?


What are the Creative Organs of the Human Body?

There are a few organs in the human body that could be considered creative organs. The brain is one example.

How does a chimp brain and human brain look different?

A chimp's brain is a bit smaller than a human.