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i don't know that's why i am asking this website:D

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you pull the bridge up

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Q: How could you defend yourself from a scaling tower against it?
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no! you could easily fall and kill yourself>2nd answer : No , if the Osprey are nesting they mayattempt to defend their nests from what they perceive as a threat .

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No, that would be silly. Certainly anything that you do to harm yourself or potentially harm yourself would be against Christianity. Not to mention that gagging yourself with duct tape is dangerous and could lead to your accidental death.

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Cats defenses are their claws and their teeth. They use these methods when they need to defend themselves against things that could cause them harm.

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It could be but this is the first time I have seen "KK" as a scaling factor.

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They are an easy target and they are weak so could break.

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