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Most common types of ferns, and several of the conifers were growing on earth at the time of the dinosaurs.

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Q: How could you find out if some types of plants alive today were also living at the time of the dinosaurs?
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What could a human living now and a dinosaurs living millions of years ago have in common?

They we are both alive

How could you find out if some types of plants alive today were also around during the era of dinosaurs?

ask your teacher or search it up on the web ! :)

Did earthquakes happen when dinosaurs were alive?

Yes, you could watch the earthquakes when were alive happening in the history channel.

Why did turtles stay alive but dinosaurs died out?

Turtles were cold blooded and smaller than dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were much larger than turtles and had a higher metabolism, which caused the to starve much faster than turtles. Turtles could survive on the tiny scraps of food they could find until plants began growing again.

Can Dinosaurs stay in a reptile house?

Yes it would be possible for dinosaurs to be in a reptile house if they were still alive. I guess the bones could be in a reptile house but no real dinosaurs.

Why do people even care about dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs are a facinating subject. Visit your local natural history museum and then to your local zoo. Make comparisons between the dinosaurs and the living animals. These places should give you the information you need to care about this subject.

How could you tell if a plant today was living in the age of the dinosaurs?

Nobody lows really

What are living things from long ago?

the living thing are dinosaurs,although the scientist can prove it to be real,but i'm sure it could be.

How are living and alive similar and different?

Living things are similar in these ways: They are alive, they are made of cells or are a cell, and they need some type of nourishment to stay alive. Living things are different in these ways: They may have different structures (bodies, bones, cells, etc.), they may need to feed on different things to stay alive, different sizes, shapes, textures, or brain/no brain (i.e. jellyfish). Some living things are plants whereas others are animals, like we humans. Also, some living things might be plants. Plants and Animals differ as living things, as plants go through a process known as photosynthesis, whereas humans do not do this. Plants and Animals are the same in such ways as needing air, water, and sun. Humans need sun to get vitamins in our bodies, and sunlight gives plants the warmth and energy to grow. 33f505ab-f6f7-4e54-859f-365ee4113c4c 1.03.01

Are crocodiles fossils?

Crocodiles could be considered to be "living fossils" as they have survived on Earth from the time of the dinosaurs.

How do you know if dinosaurs ate plants or animals?

By looking at their teeth the sharper they were they could detect if they ate meat

Why do you need the deserts?

so the animals living there could continue livingso that the plants could survive and the herbivores could eat the plants