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Take some with you. I don't know of any other planets with observable oxygen at enough concentration to support human life. Mars MAY have a very very very light atmosphere, but not much and certainly not enough to breath. Venus is 800 degrees and the atmosphere is mostly carbon monoxide and sulphuric acid, also not so pleasant. Among other methods, oxygen is produced by photosynthesis of green plant life taking in sunlight and converting carbon dioxide (what we breath OUT) and releasing OXYGEN (what we breath IN). So your planet would need to have enough leafy green plants and enough sunlight for this to work

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You have to bring an oxygen supply with you.

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Astronauts use compressed oxygen mixed with nitrogen fo produce their breathing gas.

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They take it with them, in pressurised tanks.

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Q: How could you get enough oxygen on another planet?
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Do other planets have oxygen?

The only planet with oxygen (known to Man) is Earth.That is to say, only Earth has a significant amount of the element oxygen in its atmosphere.Other planets do have oxygen, but it is chemically combined in the form of compounds, like carbon dioxide.

What does a planet need to support life?

It would need a source of food and water. It would also need a form of shelter from whatever weather the planet might have. In addition to food and water, life needs oxygen in a form it can use, enough pressure to keep the life from blowing apart and from its liquids boiling away without being enough to crush it, an environmental temperature that is not cold enough or hot enough to kill the life, and protection from harmful solar radiation.

Why would the discovery of liquid water on another planet be important?

If we discovered water on another planet, it means that humans may be able to inhabit that planet. It would be a big break through for scientists. Another answer may be that other organisms or bacteria may be able to live on that planet, meaning there could be life on another planet but Earth.

What other name could you describe the moon?

lunar The moon is a satellite. Meaning it orbits another planet.

How did astronomers know Neptune existed before they could see it?

Astronomers knew that Neptune existed before they could see it because they observed that the other planets orbited the sun in a way that could only be explained if they were being influenced by the gravity of another object of such mass. So the astronomers contemplated that there must be another planet somewhere that was changing the orbits of other planets. That planet is today called Neptune.

Related questions

Can your brain drown?

In a way, yes, if there is not enough oxygen getting to it, and there is an excess of non-vital fluids in your bloodstream, your brain could be considered as drowning. Alternatively, if you are inhaling gas that is not oxygen, or another fluid that is not oxygen, your brain could be considered as drowning.

Could you ever live on the planet mars?

Without a suit? No, the planet's atmosphere is thin and without oxygen.

Is there a another planet that all living things can live?

There is no habitable planet besides Earth that all living things can survive on. If scientists found another planet with water humans could probably survive on other planets but we would need food supplies brought regularly. Plants survive on a certain type of environment, so unless we could create an environment on another planet exactly the same as where the plant came from it would be impossible. Animals are like humans, if they have food supplied regularly enough and a fresh water supply they could live on another planet.

Do other planets have oxygen?

The only planet with oxygen (known to Man) is Earth.That is to say, only Earth has a significant amount of the element oxygen in its atmosphere.Other planets do have oxygen, but it is chemically combined in the form of compounds, like carbon dioxide.

Could humans breathe on any other planet?

Venus and Mars are the only other solid bodies in the solar system with atmospheres dense enough to "breathe", but neither contains nearly enough oxygen for a human to survive on.

Could a giraffe go on the moon?

It wouldn't survive being on the moon just like any other living thing. Anything that breathes oxygen can only survive on earth unless their is another planet with oxygen.

What would happen if a baby doesn't get enough oxygen?

If a baby does not get enough oxygen it's brain could be damaged or it could die. The same would be true for an adult.

Is there a better life supporting planet than earth out there?

Some scientists believe that it is possible to establish a colony on Mars and we could but we would have to wear space suits and grow lots of oxygen creating plants. The atmosphere is strong enough to hold the oxygen.

Could a nova wipe out a planet?

If a nova were to get close enough to a planet, there's no doubt in my mind it could. if it were a planet around the size of earth easily. A bigger planet would be more difficult, but yes. a nova can wipe out a planet.

What does a planet need to support life?

It would need a source of food and water. It would also need a form of shelter from whatever weather the planet might have. In addition to food and water, life needs oxygen in a form it can use, enough pressure to keep the life from blowing apart and from its liquids boiling away without being enough to crush it, an environmental temperature that is not cold enough or hot enough to kill the life, and protection from harmful solar radiation.

Why would the discovery of liquid water on another planet be important?

If we discovered water on another planet, it means that humans may be able to inhabit that planet. It would be a big break through for scientists. Another answer may be that other organisms or bacteria may be able to live on that planet, meaning there could be life on another planet but Earth.

Could you fly off of a planet because there is no gravity?

No. All planets have gravity. Any object massive enough to be considered a planet would have strong enough gravity that you could simply escape by jumping. It is, however, possible for an object to escape the gravity of any planet if it is launched in the right way and with enough speed.