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The moon is a satellite. Meaning it orbits another planet.

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Q: What other name could you describe the moon?
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What is the name used to describe the side of the moon that is not visible?

Typically, the Dark Side of the Moon

Is Luna the true name of earth'satellite?

Luna was the Roman goddess of the moon, hence the use of her name to describe the moon (lunar eclipse etc)

What is the name earth's moon?

The name of the Earths moon is, Moon. A name was not given to the moon at the time it was discovered because no one knew that there were other moons.

Why do we name all the other moons in our solar system except our moon?

The moon has a name. It is Luna, from the Latin for moon.

Where did moonwalk get its name from?

moonwalk got its name from when an astronaught was on the moon and could walk on the moon!! simples xx

What would you name the moon if you could name it and why?

"The Moon" got this name because it was the only one, like "the Sun" and "the Earth". We never knew that there were others, so we didn't bother to come up with proper names for them. Once we knew that there were other things like them existed, then we came up with unique names for them. Like Jupiter's moons, Europa, Io, Ganymede and Callisto. If I could name the Moon (something other than "The Moon") I'd probably name it something like "Liberty" or "Freedom". But that's just me.

Does the moon have any other name?

our moon is called lunar

Is Luna a constellation?

No it is the other name for the Moon

How did the blue moon angelfish get its name?

It would seem to come from an olde English word "belewe" meaning betrayer.This was used by the early clergy to describe a moon which was too early for the lent moon. This moon was called the betrayer moon or belewe moon.

Where is tritan moon which planet?

The name of the moon in this question could be a misspelling of either "Triton," the largest moon of Neptune, or of "Titan," the largest moon of Saturn.

Does the moon have a special name?

no, it does not. Sorry, but glad I could help

Why doesn't Earths Moon Have a name like the other moons in our solar system?

I think it's name is just "The Moon".Perhaps we are simply parochial about the matter. Our moon is, well, ours. It does have other names. Selene for instance, or Luna.It does; it is either "The Moon" or "Luna".However, there's no real need to NAME something if there is only one. The planets have names; even in antiquity, there were five visible planets. Thousands of visible stars have names. But there's no special name for the Sun, or the Moon, because they were (as far as they could tell) unique.From the dawn of mankind until just a few hundred years ago (which is a very, very long time indeed), the ONLY moon in existence was "the moon." When someone talked about the moon, everyone else knew what they were talking about since it was the only one.It was just an eyeblink ago (in historical time) that telescopes were invented and we found out there were other moons. By that time "Moon," had become our moon's name and to this date when someone says, "Look at the moon." we still look at our moon rather than some other planet's moon(s). Since for most of us, Moon, still means our moon. For astrologists, I guess they specify by saying, "Earth's moon," so other astrologists know which moon they are speaking about.