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Q: How could you separate a mixture of small pieces of copper?
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Related questions

Which method could be used to obtain copper from a mixture of powdered copper and sodium chloride?

Wash the mixture with water and separate the solid from the liquid, for example, by filtration. The sodium chloride will dissolve in the wash water, while the copper is left behind.

What could you make by chopping copper wire into small pieces?

copper pieces only

How do you separate copper grains and aluminum grains?

You can separate them by their colors, copper having a pinkish tint and aluminum a gray tint. You could use your fingers or a pair of forceps to pick the pieces apart. If they are of different sizes, you could use a screened sieve to sort them.

How do you separate copper fillings from a mixture of copper fillings and iron fillings?

The easiest way is with a magnet. It'll attract the iron and not the copper. If you're on a higher budget, the difference in the melting point could help.

How do you separate copper from sand dust?

You could sift the mixture through a wire screen sieve which has a mesh small enough to let the sand pass through, leaving the copper on top of the screen.

How could you separate the components of homogeneous mixture to the components of heterogeneous mixture?

you can answer that by your mind. you can separate it by using a wire WIREGAUSE.

How could you separate gold from a mixture of zinc and gold?

We could add HCl to the mixture of Zinc and Gold and see which one appear to separate first.

Could you use filteration to separate a mixture?

sure, why not.

How could you separate a mixture of sand and salt?

toilet paper

How do you separate copper from copper sulfate?

Given its an ionic compound, you could probably just disassociate it with water. Or you could react it with a more electrophilic metal than Copper is.

Is copper sulfur a pure substance or a mixture?

There is no substance called "copper sulphur". You could have a mixture of copper and sulphur, though. But there are compounds (pure substances) of copper and sulphur as well. They include copper I and copper II sulphide (Cu2S and CuS). Another, very common compound is copper sulphate, CuSO4

Could a mixture be only made up of only elements?

Yes. For example, brass is a mixture of copper and zinc. A mixture of metals is called an alloy.