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Q: How could you test a rocks permeability ( to see if water goes through it)?
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What is a rocks ability to allow water to pass through?

Permeability/ hydraulic conductivity.

A rocks ability to let water pass through it is called its what?

Well, the "letting through" of any substance through an object is considered permeability. Therefore, I'd suppose that the rock's ability to let water pass through the voids is called permeability.

A rocks ability to allow water to pass through is called a what?

Permeability/ hydraulic conductivity.

How does the permeability of soil and rocks affect the flow of groundwater?

Permeability is when water can pass through different types of soil and rocks. Therefore the permeability affects the soil and rocks because if the soil or rock is PERMEABLE then the groundwater can easily flow through it :)

A rock that allows water to flow through it is said to be?

water The answer is actually permeable.

What is an example of a permeable rock?

Sandstone rocks have permeability and so do conglomerates. Shales also have good permeability. Most sedimentary rocks are permeable.

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What is meant by the permeability of soil?

Speed at which water seeps through it.

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What is a property of soil that determines how water will soak through the?


What are methods for determining field permeability?

Permeability is a measure of how fast water will flow through connected openings in soil or rock

How does water moves through the ground?

Porosity and permeability of the rock or soil is how water moves.