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Q: How could you use artificial selection to breed pigeons with large beaks?
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Why would a pigeon breeder select the offspring of pigeons with spotted bodies and then breed those offspring?

Most pigeons breeders race their pigeons. They select the best flyers to breed. What you are talking about is breeders selection.

What is the process in which human breed organisms for certain traits?

The process by which humans breed organisms to obtain certain traits is known as artificial selection.

Why would a pigeon breeded select the offspring of pigeons with spotted bodies and then breed those offspring?

Most pigeons breeders race their pigeons. They select the best flyers to breed. What you are talking about is breeders selection.

Choosing to breed cows that produce milk is termed?

Artificial Selection

How do humans affect artificial selection?

Humans directly affect artificial selection. They do this by selecting the specific traits that they prefer which they cannot don in a natural selection.

Why would a pigeon breeder select the offspring of pigeons with spotted bodies and then breed those offspring's?

im not really sure but in my opiniom barack obama is black dark

What method have farmers used over the years to breed leaner beef cattle?

Artificial selection.

Is an example of artificial selection?

Answer/Example : A farmer crosses two kinds of corn. He produces a new, better tasting type of corn. -Holy122More Details :Artificial selection occurs when a likeable trait is found within a member of a species. Said species is then either outcrossed or inbred with another member of the species to pass on and refine the trait. After a period of time the genes will hopefully be 'fixed' into the population.An example of artificial selection was in England a few centuries ago when people would breed together pigeons with long tail feathers to create pigeons that had longer and longer tail feathers, which where used in women's hats. Another everyday example of artificial selection is how farmers breed together certain animals to get desirable traits (like breeding together certain cows to get one that will produce the tastiest beef or something.)Dog Breedsa dog breed is a group of genetically and phenotypically similar dogs sharing characteristic traits and bred from a stock of individuals which were selected for these traits.

What are owners of cattle herds who only choose to breed cows that produce the most milk are engaging in what selection?

Artificial selection and selective breeding.

What is the process which humans breed organisms for certain traits?

The process by which humans breed organisms to obtain certain traits is known as artificial selection.

Explanation of Natural and Artificial Selection?

Artificial selection is when humans select traits, such as color or taste and breed for those traits. Natural selection chooses the creatures that are best able to give birth to more offspring, carrying on their genes. The environment chooses.

Why is artificial selection important to people?

Humans use artificial selection to breed animals, to have their desired features in them and to take out unwanted features from them. Artificial Selection is mostly used to make animals more obedient or sometimes used to increase the population of endangered animals.