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Q: How dangerous is the carbon dioxide level of 127 and could it cause brain damage?
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Do high carbon dioxide levels cause brain damage?

The brain is starved of oxygen, and brain damage and suffocation can be the result.

If a person had brain damage from carbon dioxide poison how long willit last?

uhm..... forever it's brain damage

What is called the flow air into the lungs and out the lungs?

Oxygen is breathed in and carbon dioxide is breathed out as it is deadly to humans. Too much carbon dioxide breathed in will cause brain damage and eventually death.

Does oxygen or carbon dioxide have the greatest stimulating effect on the respiratory center in the brain?

Carbon dioxide.

What has the greatest stimulation on the respiratory center in the brain?

blood carbon dioxide levels

What elements in the brain must maintain balance in order to avoid brain damage?

Careful balance of oxygen, carbon dioxide, sugar (glucose), sodium, calcium, potassium, and other substances must be maintained in order to avoid damage to brain tissue.

is continued breathing of exhaled air harmful?

Yes, because exhaled air is technically carbon dioxide, which is known to cause damage to the brain.

How does carbon dioxide is transferred into the bloodstream as a carbon atom?

it is transmittid from the brain

Is brain stroke dangerous?

Yes. It can cause serious damage to the brain.

Why is carbon dangerous?

Carbon is dangerous as it is enters the body and stays in the hemoglobin. Carbon in the hemoglobin will cause limited oxygen in the blood and into the brain.

What gas does the brain monitor to tell you to breath in?

carbon dioxide

What is the Primary regulator of blood flow to the brain?

carbon dioxide