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They are specially adapted to save themselves from the cold weather where this kind of weather could kill people and animals prolonged in this weather. Tamarack has a safe behavior as extracellular freezing.

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the leaves fall off

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It loses its leaves and goes dormant.

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Q: How deciduous trees adapted to live in its environment?
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How are koalas adapted to the deciduous forest?

They're not. Koalas do not live in the deciduous forest. They live in eucalyptus bushland, which is evergreen. Eucalyptus trees, on which koalas feed, do not lose their leaves.

Describe the leaves of trees that in the taiga?

The taiga, or boreal forest, is given to high seasonality with a long season during which temperatures are below the freezing point of water. As such, trees must be conifers, with very limited leaves (needles) adapted to the cold, or be deciduous trees that are well adapted to the stress involved in losing its leaves every year. For instance, I live in the central region of Alaska. We have deciduous trees and conifers. The farther north you go though, the fewer deciduous trees there are.

Is a honey locust a deciduous or coniferous?

Hickory trees are deciduous but they do live in coniferous forests.

Do oak trees and pine trees live in the deciduous forets?

Both oak and pine trees can live in a deciduous forest. All oak trees are considered a deciduous plant. Pine trees are conifers and mostly not deciduous however there are a few genera that are (Larix, Pseudolarix, Glyptostrobus, Metasequoia and Taxodium). (

In what environment do lions live?

Modern African Lions live in savanna grasslands with scattered Acacia trees that provide shade. In India they live in dry savanna forest and very dry deciduous scrub forest.

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Where does a white-breasted nuthatch live?

Deciduous trees, such as Oak, Beech and Hickory.

How do coyote adapt to their environment?

They live in it until they are adapted.

How have salamanders adapted?

They have learned to live in deciduous forest and more temperate areas than ever before.

Is the deciduous desert a temperate desert?

Deciduous generally refers to a forest in a region that has four distinct seasons and not to deserts. There are, however, come deciduous trees that live in deserts.,

Where does a plant live longer in the tundra or deciduous forest?

Depends on the plant. Some species are adapted to the tundra, and some to the forest. They would do best in the climate they were adapted to.

How are plants adapted to sand dune environment?

The plants that live in deserts have adapted the ability to require less water in sand dune environment.