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They dig up to 4-16 inches deep, it depends really.

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Q: How deep do polar bears dig their dens?
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What is the behavioral adaptation of polar bear?

Polar bears dig dens to protect themselves from cold winds.

Where do black bears hibornate?

Bears do not really hibernate. They will fall into a deep sleep, but vital signs remain near normal. They sleep in dens they find or dig themselves. Females give birth in these dens over winter.

What do polar bears use to make there dens?

even though I dont actually know this, logic tells me they dig a hole in the snow..theres nothing else to do!

Do polar bears dig?


Of what is a polar bear's home made?

Polar bears don't really have homes. Males pretty much roam all the time, while females will dig out snow caves as dens when they're pregnant and ready to have cubs.

How do animals make dens?

Badgers, moles, voles, rabbits and some bears.

What kind of home do polar bears make for themselves?

they dig a burrow in the snow

How do Polar Bears get their food on the winter?

They can dig in the snow, swim, hunt for seals, and whatnot.

Are a polar bear's legs long?

Polar bears walk on 4 legs / paws. But they can briefly stand on their hind legs and take a few steps, such as in a fight with a predator. They then return to all-4s. Polar bears also often slide on their bellies across ice.

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Where does a bear hibernate?

Bears Hibernate in the Winter so that they dont die

Where do polar bears build their dens?

The female Polar Bear when pregnant will enter a den to have cubs, and stay there until they are born. On cold days they may dig a hole, curl up and even cover their nose with a paw. On warm days, they pant, may sleep anywhere in almost any position, and may be sprawled out with unfurred foot pads waving in the air, looking more like a jellyfish than the ultimate arctic carnivore. Also, in the dark winter, they may burrow into the snow to help keep warm. In the summer, they may burrow into the earth to get away from the sun and keep cool. Sometimes they'll hide from the wind behind an ice wall or something similar