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no one knows for sure but scientists estimate about 25 years

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600-1200 meters below the water.

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too long 1,000 years

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Q: How deep does the Frilled Shark live?
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Where does the Frilled Shark live?

why deep down in the sea

Who deep does a frilled shark live under the sea?

The Frilled Shark live in deep waters (50 to 200 meters), although it may migrate to near surface waters during the night to look for food. Its habits are poorly know, but this shark was already been found at depths over 1,500 meters.

What are the adaptations for the Mako Shark?

Frilled sharks are rarely seen because they live so deep beneath the surface of the sea. Because of the severe colds of the deep waters, the frilled shark has a slow metabolism that helps it keep it's energy between feedings.

Does a frilled shark live in an ocean trench?


What do people do to threaten the frilled shark?

frilled sharks live so far down in the ocean that scientists are not yet sure that human activity even reaches the frilled shark

Does a Frilled shark live alone or in groups?

a frilled shark always lives alone except for when the male and female come together to mate

Habitat of a frilled shark?

Frilled sharks live near and on continental slopes and shelves in various oceans in tropic and temperate climates.

Do frilled sharks live in puget sound?

Two examples are the basking shark and six gill shark

How big is the frilled shark?

The biggest shark weighs about 21.5 metric tones. This is an equivalent of 47,000 lbs. This type of shark is known as the whale shark.

Does a frilled shark live with its family?

No, they live alone. They only interact with the same species during mating.

What is the slowest shark?

the slowest shark to my knowledge is the frilled shark

Why do they call frilled sharks -frilled sharks?

The frilled shark looks a lot like an eel, either dark brown or grey, but has the six gill slits that let us know it is in fact a shark. The tissue of the gills protrudes, which is what gives the frilled shark its name.