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Q: How deep is the anterior fornix?
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What are the three parts of fornix?

crus (posterior column)body of fornixcolumn (anterior column)

What does PFE mean as a Sexual abbreviation?

The posterior fornix erogenous (PFE) zone is similar to the anterior fornix erogenous (AFE) zone (an area from the end of the vaginal canal downward about two thirds to the opening) but on the opposite wall. The PFE is a bit more difficult to find.

Plural for fornix?

The plural form of the noun 'fornix' is fornices.

Nerve supply of the tibialis anterior muscle?

deep peroneal nerve supplies the tibialis anterior muscle

Is the human fornix bigger than the sheep?

The fornix is roughly the same size in a sheep and a human. The human fornix is more developed though because it links memory to taste.

What does the fornix function as in the brain?

the fornix connects the mamillary body to the hippocampus.

The first rib is deep to which bone along the anterior thorax?

The clavicle or collar bone.

How does relative size compa re a sheep's fornix to a human fornix?

im pretty sure its just smaller in size (the sheeps is smaller)

What are the muscle compartments in the ankle?

anterior compartment, lateral compartment, superficial posterior, deep posterior

Nerves of the anterior abdominal wall lie immediately deep to which layer of the wall?

internal obliques

Which muscle involoves dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot?

The anterior and posterior compartment of the leg Anterior compartment: - Tibialis Anterior - Extensor Digitorium Longus - Extensor Hallucis Longus Posterior compartment: Deep: - Tibialis Posterior - Flexor Digitorium Longus - Flexor Digitorium Brevis

Is the rectus femoris anterior to the vastus intermedius?

Yes the rectus femoris is anterior to the vastus intermedius, vastus intermedius is a deep muscle that we need to cut the rectus femoris in order to see it.