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A:The Bible tells us that God actually spoke to Abraham, as did three other elohim, or gods. Beyond this, it tells us little explicitly about the beliefs of Abraham and certainly not that he worshipped only one god. However, if we look at midrashim of the post-Exilic era and even the Common Era, we find a different story, where Abraham is credited with monotheism. One such midrash tells how, as a young boy, Abraham discivered that his father's idols had no power, leading to him being a monotheist. It is only in these late additions to the Abraham tale that we can identify a definite difference between Abraham's religious beliefs and the beliefs of others in and around Mesopotamia, since the others were all polytheistic.
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Q: How did Abraham's religious beliefs differ from the beliefs of others?
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Religious tolerance is the acceptance and respect of different religious beliefs and practices, even if they differ from one's own beliefs. It involves acknowledging and accommodating diverse religious perspectives without discrimination or prejudice. Practicing religious tolerance promotes harmony and understanding among individuals of different faiths.

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Cases differ. Some people are born into it or may have religious beliefs that forbid eating animals. Others choose vegetarianism for health standards.

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Religious toleration means allowing individuals or groups to practice their own religious beliefs without interference or persecution from others. It is the idea of respecting and accepting different religious beliefs and practices even if they differ from one's own.

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The term for forcing religious beliefs on others is "religious coercion" or "religious oppression." It refers to the act of compelling individuals to adhere to particular religious beliefs or practices against their will.

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Because some people have different beliefs then others.

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The most important issue for religious harmony is to treat the beliefs of others with respect. Of course, this begins with ourselves, even though we probably believe that our own beliefs are the only truth. It is OK to ask others about their beliefs, as long as this is not then used to force your own beliefs onto them. If others in the school or community are displaying intolerance towards your beliefs, it is wise not to respond in kind. Demonstrate confidence in your beliefs, but try to move the subject on to other matters.

Why do people celebrate Yom Kippur Easter and Ramadan?

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What did the challenges to puritan authority reveal about puritan religious and social beliefs?

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A person who makes fun of others' religion can be referred to as a religious bigot or a religious mocker. It is important to respect others' beliefs and refrain from mocking or belittling religious practices.

When is a person truly religious?

A person is truly religious when they live their life according to their faith's teachings, participate in religious practices regularly, and demonstrate compassion and kindness towards others in line with their beliefs.