

King David

One of the most storied and beloved kings of the Old Testament, King David is a well known religious figure. Questions about King David can be asked and answered here.

569 Questions

Why did Jesse davids father send david to the battlefield?

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Jesse sent David with some provisions for the three oldest boys, who were in Saul's army. (1Samuel 17:13, 17, 18, 20)

What king is the Star of David named after?

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Answer 1

The Star of David is a generally recognized symbol of Jewish identity and Judaism. It is named after King David of ancient Israel; and its earliest known communal usage began in the Middle Ages, alongside the more ancient symbol of the menorah. In Hebrew its name is Magen David, meaning Shield of David. That term is a euphemism for God in the Jewish prayer book because God shielded the Biblical David in battle and during his flight from Saul.

Answer 2

In ancient Hebrew, the letters of the alphabet looked much different looking than today. In fact, the letter 'D' (Dalet) closely resembled a triangle. Tradition states that the Star of David was formed by combining the first and last letters of David's name (which in ancient Hebrew were two triangles) . Because the ancient Hebrew letter for 'D' was a triangle, the resulting image of two letter 'D's placed together (with one of them upside down) would be the Star of David. This can be seen as follows:

  1. First Ancient Hebrew Letter 'D' in David's Name- an upward-pointing triangle
  2. Last Ancient Hebrew Letter 'D' in David's Name- a downward-pointing triangle
  3. The Star of David- two ancient Hebrew letters for 'D', which looked almost exactly like triangles, with one of them drawn upside down to signify the last letter.

Numerous online sources concur with this explanation, although no one will ever know for sure. Here is a list of sources:

The Letters of David's Name

Notice that the first and the last letters of the name David is the 4th Hebrew letter 'dalet' and could be described as having the appearance of a triangle...

It is most probable that the Israelites would have chosen to use the Star of David, which is composed of the first and last letters of King David's name. Notice how the symbol might have appeared if the second 'dalet' would be inverted and then combined into one common symbol. Since David had such a great reputation; his mark would certainly have been an effective symbol.

- The Star of David, by Larry Perino, Rivkah Ministries

The "six pointed star" is made up of two inverted superimposed paleo-Hebrew "daleths" (delets), the beginning and ending letter in King David's name.

- The Star of David - Defending the Shield, Flying Chariot Ministries

The combination triangles of the Star of David, (sometimes called the "Shield of David") goes back David himself, the formation of the triangles having been taking from the ancient Hebraic signature of King David. The 3 letters of his name, Daled, Waw, Daled, by extension compose a double triangle. Thus it is representative of Messiah. In the modem Hebrew aleph-bet (alphabet), the 'd' sound is represented by the dalet, which looks like a backward 'r'. In the ancient Hebrew alephbet, the dalet looked like a triangle.

The Star of David (also called the Shield of David) was made up of these two triangular dalets.

- Anoint the Magen David, Tom Campbell, AngelFire

One theory, of the origin of the Star of David, is that it was a family crest of the House of David. The crest was supposedly created by the way the name, David, would have been spelled with Hebrew letters specifically using the letter which is called Dalet. (Hebrew Alphabet).

- Star of David - Creation Star, BreadStixDesigns

Israeli Researcher Uri Ofir mentions a theory which is found in the literature, that King David adopted this form as his emblem because of its special form which fitted his name. In ancient Hebrew (Daatz writing) the letter "d" (dalet) was written in the form of a triangle and in the name David there are two triangles (two characters of d)...

- Phoenician alphabet, by Zeevveez, Star-of-david at Blogspot

Which of the cultural landmark was attributed to king david?

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the Ark of the Covenant

Who did King David betray?

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Uriah the Hittite.

What year did king David live?

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It is believed that King David was born in 1040 B.C. and that he died in 970 B.C.

Did Uriah ask King David to put him on the front line?

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No here it was the wicked plan of king David to put Uriah, in the front line so that he would really die. And David could then take his wife Bathsheba as his very own. But he did pay a price for this. Their child died.

Who was king david of the old testaments father?

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Davids father was Jessee.

What did King David have a star emblazoned on?

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his shield that he took to battle. Star of David in Hebrew is called 'Magen David' which means shield of david.

The real answer:

The Shield of David first emerged as a symbol of Jews in the Middle Ages and was never actually used by King David.

What tribe of Israel did King David belong to?

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Answer 1

King David was from the tribe of Judah. For Biblical reference read Ruth 1:1, then 4:17.

Answer 2

David, a descendant of Boaz and Ruth, had an ancestry running back through Perez to Judah. (Ru 4:18-22; Mt 1:3-6)

When we are introduced to David, he is a young shepherd boy with the responsibility of looking after his father's Jesse's sheep. David's family lived in Bethlehem, a little town on the summit and slopes of a ridge in the hills of Judah. Bethlehem, located about 9 km (5.5 mi) SSW of Jerusalem, was David's hometown, the town where his forefathers Jesse, Obed, and Boaz had lived, and which was sometimes called "David's city"

How did Ruth became the great grandmother of king david?

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She was his great grandmother (Matthew 1:5-6)

Did king david ask for wisdom from god?

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Yes he did ask for help.

What mountain was cursed by king David?

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It was the prophet Nathan who cursed david for killing Uriah.

What is another name for King David?

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Yadel or Yadan, the hand of God or God will judge

Why do Jews worship king david?

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We worship only God.

Jews hold King David in reverence, similar to the way that Catholics hold the Pope in reverence or the way that Muslims hold Mohammed in reverence, but they do not elevate him to the level of worship. The reason for this reverence was his ability to rule according to the Divine Mandates of the Torah.

See the attached Related Link for more about King David.

How many times are king david in the Bible?

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In the King James version, there are 53 New Testament verses that refer to David or the House of David by name.

Is there facts about King David?

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The Tel Dan inscription discovered between 1993 and 1994, which clearly mentions "BYTDWD" or "House-David" as a dynasty which allied with Israel to fight the kings of Aram. This inscription dates to before 800 BC, and indicates that the dynasty of king David was already strong 150 years after his death.

This is the only external evidence for king David as of yet found which reaches the consensus of most scholars.

Where did King David die?

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He was ruling from Jerusalem when he died, so he probably died in his palace at Jerusalem.

How many children did Haggith have with king David?

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Haggith had 1 child mentioned in the bible, Adonijah. She could have had more but the bible doesn't mention them.

When did David write psalms 51?

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Psalm 51 states explicitly when it was written: "When Nathan the prophet came to him" (to rebuke King David) in 2 Samuel ch.12.

What about the last two verses, which imply the lack of an altar and city walls?

Ibn Ezra commentary says that these verses may have been added later. Rashi commentary states that they refer to the Temple Mount, which had not yet been built in David's time (and which made Jerusalem what it was, a holy city). That is why the last verse mentions "Your altar," a title that would not apply to those altars that the Israelites had before the Temple was built. Metzudot commentary says that these verses were written by David, prophetically referring to the eventual exile (like Psalm 79).

Where did king david dance before the lord?

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On the stick of Judah in the house of Johnathan...

What was it like for king David growing up?

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King David was a good father only mistake he made and a major one it was ,. He comitted adultery, but he repented very honestly later on.

Was king david an illegitimate child of Jesse?

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Young David was treated as being the illegitimate son of Jesse's wife, Nitzevet, by another man although he was truly sired by Jesse unwittingly. David grew up in a family that wrongfully shunned him as illegitimate, and treated him as if he were an orphan. It wasn't until Samuel was ordered of God to anoint him the new king of Israel that his family's attitude toward him changed.

What evidence is there for the existence of King David other than the Hebrew Bible?

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Asked by Revskip

AnswerThere is circumstantial evidence that a King David existed, or at least that the Judahites subsequently believed that he had once existed.

Those who believe David and Solomon were real believe they have proof in the fragment of an inscription found in the excavation of Tel Dan, a biblical era city in northern Israel. This fragment is dated to about 835 BCE, about 150 years after David would have lived. It was probably part of a stele erected by King Hazael of Damascus boasting of his devastating campaign through Israel that year, but had long since been used for other construction purposes.

As the fragment has been pieced together with some gaps filled in, it reads in part: "I killed Jehoram son of Ahab king of Israel, and I killed Ahaziahu son of Jehoram king of the House of David. . ." So it seems that the Judahite dynasty was then known as the House of David, whether this was based on a real or legendary former king or chieftain.