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some rebelled.many got sick and died,none liked it obvoiusly

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Q: How did Africans on slave ships respond during the middle passage?
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How many africans enslaved during the middle passage between 1520 and 1860?

8 million

What percentage of enslaved Africans died or committed suicide during the middle passage?


What percent of enslaved Africans died or committed suicide during the Middle Passage?

10 to 15 percent

Can you use middle passage in a sentence?

During the Atlantic slave trade, millions of Africans were forcibly transported across the middle passage, enduring horrific conditions and mistreatment on the journey to the Americas.

What effect did the middle passage have on the Africans?

The Middle Passage had devastating effects on Africans, as millions were subjected to brutal conditions during the transatlantic slave trade. Many Africans suffered from malnutrition, disease, and death during the journey. The trauma and brutality of the Middle Passage had long-lasting physical and psychological impacts on the survivors.

What were the affects of the triangular trade?

Hundreds of thousands of sold Africans died in the Middle Passage. Hundreds of thousands of sold Africans died in the Middle Passage.

What were negative effects of the spice trade?

Hundreds of thousands of sold Africans died in the Middle Passage. Hundreds of thousands of sold Africans died in the Middle Passage.

What percent of Africans survived the middle passage?

Roughly 10-15% of Africans did not survive the middle passage, resulting in a mortality rate of about 85-90%.

Who profited from the middle passage?

Slave traders profited from the Middle Passage. The Middle Passage is one of the most horrific moments in World History and it lined the pockets of the slave traders who captured human beings and sold them like objects.

What is a sentence containg the word middle passage?

The Middle Passage was the stage of the triangular trade in which enslaved people were transported from Africa to the Americas aboard brutal and overcrowded slave ships.

How did some africans resist enslavement during the middle passage?

Other slaves resisted their captors by drowning or starving themselves.

What is the name of the leg of the triangular trade route in which africans were forcibly brought to the Americas?

The leg of the triangle trade where Africans were brought to America was known as the Middle Passage.