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some people are just born that way.
one of the theories of the human mind is that we already have every answer to every possible question within our minds, we just need to be reminded of the answer to be able to 'unlock' it. this answers the question of how genius is created because, if we truly already had the answers to every question, it is possible that some people are just born knowing what they need to know.
another theory, (which makes a lot more sense), is that some people have more common sense than others, and are able to reason things out more efficiently. the more you think, the more you'll question things, and the more answers you'll receive. hence, the more you'll know.

p.s. Albert Einstein was diagnosed mildly mentally retarded, and he had ADD. and he was a player. lmfaoo, not even kidding.

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Q: How did Albert Einstein become so clever?
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Why as Albert Einstein co clever?

albert Einstein is so clever because of his brain

Why Albert Einstein so clever?

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Mama Luigi

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Albert Einstein was born in Germany, so, Europe.

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=i am Albert Einstein so BETTER ask me lar some dummies who is asking=

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he became a famous scientist because he invented so many things like the refrigerater.

Why is Albert Einstein so imortant?

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