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Q: How did Alexander Hamilton describe the thirteen colonies?
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Why did Alexander Hamilton help run a shipping company?

Alexander Hamilton helped run Beekman and Cruger, an import-export company that did business with the American colonies, to support himself after his mother died of scarlet fever when he was thirteen years old.

Why did Alexander Hamilton describe America as a monster with thirteen heads?

The Articles of Confederation did not give the central government enough power & the states too much power...thus it could destroy the U.S.

Which came first the revolutionary war or the thirteen colonies?

The thirteen colonies. When we won the war, the colonies became the first thirteen states.

What states was not of the original thirteen colonies?

Maine was not one of the original thirteen colonies.

How can you show the map of thirteen original colonies?

type in thirteen colonies in google

Why does the flag have 13 stipes?

Each stripe represents one of the thirteen colonies. Thirteen stripes because there were thirteen colonies!

What was the last of the thirteen colonies to be settled?

The last of the thirteen colonies to be settled was Georgia.

What country was thirteen colonies a part of?

The thirteen colonies was part of North America.

What were the reasons the thirteen colonies were founded?

the reason why the thirteen colonies where founded because of trade reasons

Where did the founders of US came from?

Everywhere. Well, mostly the thirteen colonies. There were, of course, others -- Robert Morris, who financed the Revolutionary War, was from England, as was Thomas Paine, writer of Common Sense, and Alexander Hamilton, first Secretary of the Treasury and a Framer, was from the West Indies. But most of them were from the colonies. The Founders were people who believed in the Rev. cause and stood up for it...and made a difference.

What did the thirteen stripes represent?

The Original Thirteen Colonies

What do the thirteen stripes of the US represent?

the thirteen colonies.