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Hamilton saw devastating consequences to supporting France. In November of 1792, after he had learned that the King had been deposed, Hamilton suspended payments on the debt to France on the grounds that, if the monarchy were restored, any payments made to the interim regime would likely not be credited as such.

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Q: How did Alexander Hamilton want to respond to the rebellion?
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Alexander Hamilton was regarded as a founding father of the United States. Hamilton and his group supported a Strong Central Government

Why did Alexander Hamilton want to create a national debt?

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Hamilton. He actually did some very illegal things while in office. The men who fought the revolution were promised land as part of the compensation for fighting. After, the war they were given a grant on paper stating the land was given them. Hamilton went to these men and bought the grants from them for less than they were worth. He also reasoned that the more people owed the government the more they want to see it survive.

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They did not want to bail the northerners out.

Why were Alexander Hamilton's plans to tax the Americans opposed by many southerners?

They did not want to bail the northerners out.

Why did Alexander hamilton want a bank?

because our new nation was in debt after the war against Britain