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Q: How did American Indians treat colonists in Roanoke?
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6 How did Penn believe colonists should treat the Native Americans?

I believe its "Colonists should treat the Native Americans with respect and pay for their land."

Did the Roanoke colony treat the Native Americans nice?

The interactions between the Roanoke colony and the Native Americans were initially positive, with some trading and alliances formed. However, as tensions grew and supplies dwindled, relationships deteriorated. It is unclear what ultimately happened to the Roanoke colony, but later attempts at settling the area were met with hostility from Native American tribes.

How did the new England colonist treat the native American?

they saw them as lazy savages and they tried to subdue, convert, and make the indians like them.

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Treat the Indians equally

How did the British treat the Indians?

They treated them with no respect. The British look away their land for the new British colonists. Hope this helped!

How did the natives treat the new york colonists?

like friends :D