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Q: How did Anglo Saxons influence us today?
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How did historians found out about Anglo Saxons?

they found out because our ancestors told us for generations and a historian found out from our ancestors

What US presidents have not been White Anglo Saxon Protestant?

President John F. Kennedy and Obama were not Anglo-saxons but I would think that a lot of our presidents had mixed ancestries even if they denied it

Are there any Saxons left in the world?

Yes. I am what is referred to as a WASP, or white Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Aryan is another term that could be used to describe us.

How does Montesquieu influence us today?

he doent

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us us us us afl people

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how pueblo indians influenced us today

How did the greek alphabet influence us today?

The Greek alphabet has influenced us today through its use as the basis for the Latin alphabet, which is widely used in Western languages. It is also commonly used in mathematics and science for symbols and notations, such as π for pi. Additionally, many fraternities, sororities, and academic organizations use Greek letters as their symbols.

Did The Saxons Settle In the US?

The Saxons did not settle in the US. They were not aware of the existance of the North American continent, except, possibly, for Greenland.

How does the us influence Canada today?

through holly wood movies

How did ancient influence us today?

they left us riceless artifacts, pyramids and tombs from the kings.