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Ii continued to extort the annual war funds from the Delian League citiy-states, and used the money on itself, creating its Golden Age with this pillaged gold.

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Q: How did Athens gain its wealth after the Persian Wars?
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How did Athens gain wealth after the Persian Wars?

It continued to enforce collection of the war funds even after the war, turning the anti-Persian Delian League into an empire of its own and living high on the hog on this pillaging of its allies.

Did Sparta gain its military strength after the Persian war?

No, its military strength enabled it to play a leading part in the earlier Persian Wars.

What impacted the Persian wars?

The determination of Persia to stop the Greek cities causing trouble in their empire, and the determination of the Greek cities within the Persian empire to gain and maintain their independence. Persia, after 50 years agreed to stay out of the cities. The wry ending was that Athens, leader of the anti-Persian league for the last thirty years of the wars, then turned the league into an empire of its own, leaving the 180 cities wondering what they had been fighting the Persians for.

How could a nation gain wealth through mercantilism?

It could gain wealth because Empires are so stupid they give out money. They basically gain wealth STUPIDITY!!! THEY GAIN WEALTH BECAUSE THEY JUST DO!!! LOL!

How did Athens gain status from the Persian War?

In the second half of the war Athens assumed leadership of 200 cities threatened by the Persian Empire. It collected annual money contributions from the cities to maintain its fleet which was the backbone of resistance. After the Persians agreed to stay away from the citines, Athens turned the cities into an Empire of its own, continuing to collect thw war funds by force and living high on the hog with that money.

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Who won the Persian Spartan wars?

First of all there was never Spartan Persian war.Only Persian invasion of GREECE. The Spartans fought alongside other Greeks in second of those invasions which were in 490 and in 480 BC. The Persians were defeated by ALLIED army of GREEKS, with navy lead by Athens and ground forces by Sparta. In first invasion Persians were defeated by only Athens and her allies.

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Why did the marathon start?

The Battle of Marathon in 490 BCE was where Athens fought off the Persian King Darius. The Persians kept invading Greece for personal gain, and eventually Greece had enough and attacked the Persians back.

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Since Athens was a democracy the citizens won them over by politics.

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