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Q: How did Bill Lamb reacted when beka fail first form?
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Who was beka in Beka Lamb?

Beka Lamb is Bill Lam and Lilla Lamb daughter.

Who was bill lamb in the novel Beka Lamb?

Bill Lamb is the father of Beka Lamb in the novel. He is basiccally the breadwinner of the family with an extreme temper.

Social class in Beka Lamb?

Bill Lamb is considered to be Beka's Father and Lilla Lamb's husband in the novel, Beka Lamb. He has good intentions but could be seen as harsh as he calls Beka words like fake and phony.

Chapter 12 in Beka Lamb?

a sammary tells us part of the story of beka lamd and her family

Beka's lamb family?

Bill Lamb-father Lila Lamb-mother granny ivy-her grandmother

Who is Beka Lamb father?

she is the daughter of bill and lilla lamb

Who is granny ivy from Beka Lamb?

Granny Ivy is the mother of Bill Lamb, moreover the Grandmother of Beka Lamb, she gets along very well with Beka and is seen as a good-hearted helping character throughout the book.

When was Beka Lamb created?

Beka Lamb was created in 1982.

Who are the characters in Beka Lamb?

grany ivy, lilla lamb, bill lamb, beka lamb, her 2 brothers,toycie,aunt ella(toycie's aunt), soldier tophy(the village prostitute), emilio(toycie's boyfriend),his family

What is Beka Lamb about?

Beka Lamb is the debut novel Belizean author

How many pages does Beka Lamb have?

Beka Lamb has 172 pages.

Who is the author of Beka Lamb?

The writer of the novel "Beka Lamb" is Zee Edgell.