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Q: How did Bismarck engineer the Franco-Prussian war?
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What was the War between Bismarck and the Danes?

The War between Bismarck and the Danes was called the Second Schleswig War.

What was the War between Bismarck and the Danes called?

The War between Bismarck and the Danes was called the Second Schleswig War.

What was the name of the war between Bismarck and the danes?

Danish War

What did Bismarck predict?

War will start in the East.

What three countries did Otto von Bismarck encouraged war with to unite Germany?

Bismarck encouraged war with Danmark, Austria and France to unite Germany

Where was the battle ship the 'Bismarck' sunk during World War 1?

The Bismarck was a 2nd World War Battleship not a First World War battleship. You are getting the ship confused with the man: "Otto von Bismarck" after whom the battleship was named. Bismarck was the Minister President of the Kingdom of Prussia, who then became the First Chancellor of the German Empire. To answer your question here's a map of where the Bismarck was sunk.

What prediction did Bismarck make?

War will start in the East.

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Who did Bismarck start a war in order to unify German states?

France - franco-prussian war

World War 1 government did Bismarck rule with?

Geman Empire.

What is the most likely reason Bismarck was named chancellor when King Wilhelm I became kaiser of Germany?

Bismarck along with his chief of staff, Moltke, were powerful leaders. Moltke helped Bismarck build a Prussian army that controlled much of Europe and the German States. Bismarck's early successes in the Danish War, in the Austro-Prussian War helped consolidate Bismarck's power.With Bismarck's defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War which took place in 1870 -71, Bismarck's position of leadership was fully recognized. During the war, the separate German States agreed to a unification with Prussia.Bismarck's ability to crush France and gain from her Alsace-Lorraine for Germany, along with paying war reparations, solidified the independent German States with Prussia.Bismarck became the despotic, powerful military force driving behind Prussian domination. It was Bismarck who proclaimed Wilhelm I Kaiser (king ) of a united Germany. This was fine with Wilhelm.Generally speaking, the military and aristocracy (including Wilhelm ) fully backed Bismarck as Chancellor.