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Q: How did Cesar Chavez use media to help him?
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How did Cesar chavez help the lives of others?

Okay here is the truth Cesar Chavez did love use that much that he made a huge impact. =0

Did Cesar chavez use strikes?

yes......cesar chavez did use strikes. he went o hunger strikes which meant he did not buy any produce from local stores.

How did Cesar Chavez make an impact on live?

Okay here is the truth Cesar Chavez did love use that much that he made a huge impact. =0

How are Gandhi and Chavez Different?

Which Chavez? Gandhi was against the use of force and violence. Hugo Chavez embraces violence. Cesar Chavez is much closer in beliefs to Gandhi.

How did Cesar Chavez use his talents to overcome challenges?

suckinq a dick in his head

Why did Gandhi influenced Cesar Chavez?

they influenced chavez to use nonviolent methods such as a hunger strike

Did Cesar chavez use violence?

No. His role-models were Gandhi and Dr. King. He did not believe in violence

How did the teachings of Mohandas Gandhi affect Cesar Chavez during the Delano grape strike?

they influenced chavez to use nonviolent methods such as a hunger strike

How did Cesar Chavez use the freedom of speech?

cesar chavez was tought to respect others and to give when they were in need. when he grew up he really made a difference in our life by going up and sayig that the farms shall give fresh water and restrooms to those who work their. Today we all are provided with things thar help us.

What are some ways Cesar chavez was brave?

When the use of the word "huelga" was forbidden, Chavez challenged this and led other strikers to shout "huelga" on the picket lines.

What strategy did both Martin Luther King and Cesar Chavez use to achieve social change?

led nonviolent boycotts

Where did Cesar Chavez grow up?

in the imperial valley