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China changed under the Communist government by taking control of their economy; the government seized all private farms and organized them into large, state-run farms. It also took over all business and factories. Those who spoke out against the government were killed and punished. I got this from my social studies text book :)

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Q: How did China change under the Communist government?
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China adopted a totalitarian form of government under Mao Zedong.

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China adopted a totalitarian form of government under Mao Zedong.

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China adopted a totalitarian form of government under Mao Zedong.

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China adopted a totalitarian form of government under Mao Zedong.

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In 1928, China was in the midst of a civil war between the pro-democracy Nationalist forces and the Communist forces. It was not until 1949 that Mainland China was united under one government with the victory of the Communist Forces and the flight of the Nationalist forces to Taiwan.

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Command Economy

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