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Q: How did Colonel Chamberlain save the Union at Little Round Top?
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Why is little round top so important to Joshua Chamberlain?

little round top was so important because it was the extream left flank of thr union line and if the union was flanked they would of beem wiped out and would of lost Gettysburg

Why did chamberlain fight for union?

Chamberlain fought for the Union because he wanted to save the Union and because he wanted to free the slaves. I found this website to be helpful; especially the first couple of paragraphs.

What happened at Little Round Top?

During the second day of the battle, Gen. G.K. Warren, commander of the Engineers Corps of the Army of Potomac, who was carrying a reconnaissance, found the key position of Little Round Top undefended and immediately disposed that two brigade and one battery of the Fifth Corps had to be deployed there. The order was fulfilled just in time, because the position was after a very short while attacked by Hood's Division. After a bitter struggle the Federal units succeeded in repulsing the Confederates and the Little Round Top remained in Union hands.

What important role did Joshua Chamberlain play?

He was a professor at Bowdoin College in Maine, and joined the Union Army as an officer. But what most people know him for is commanding the 20th Maine Regiment at the Battle of Gettysburg. He earned the Medal of Honor there- his regiment was the edge of the Union army, and had to defeat several Confederate assaults. At one point, his troops ran out of ammunition and he had to call for a bayonet charge, which successfully drove back the Confederate troops.If his regiment hadn't held the line there, the Confederates could have broken the Union flank, and if that had happened, the Battle of Gettysburg- and even the whole Civil War- would have ended very differently.

This Union general's overly cautious approch led the little progress in the East and impatience on the part of Lincoln?


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Who won at little roundtop?

Colonel Joshua Chamberlain from the Union won with a bayonet charge.

Who was the Union Officer who led the 20th Maine was a hero of the Battle of Gettysburg?

The Union officer who led the 20th Maine at the Battle of Gettysburg was Colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. His leadership and tactical decisions on the second day of the battle, particularly during the defense of Little Round Top, played a crucial role in the Union victory. Chamberlain's heroic actions earned him a Medal of Honor.

Who was the leader of the 20th Maine who defended Little Round Top at the battle of Gettysburg?

According to the National Park Service Gettysburg website, it was JoshuaL. Chamberlain. Chamberlain was aColonel with the20th Maine Infantry. During the battle, Colonel Chamberlain lead his men to hold the high ground at Little Round Top, and then charging to capture and hold Great Round Top. This happened on July 2, 1863. Chamberlain was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor thirty years later on August 11, 1893.

Why was it critical that chamberlain's troops hold little round top?

If the Confederates occupied Little Round Top, it could fire down the Union lines and dislodge the Federal Forces from their positions.

Why is little round top so important to Joshua Chamberlain?

little round top was so important because it was the extream left flank of thr union line and if the union was flanked they would of beem wiped out and would of lost Gettysburg

What Union General took over Little Round Top?

Brigadier General Gouverneur Kemble Warren.

Who were the important people in the Battle of Gettysburg and what did they do?

Longstreet and Lee commanded the Confederate army in Gettysburg, while George Meade commanded the Union army. George Pickett led Pickett's charge on the 3rd day, and Colonel Chamberlain held the high ground on Little Round Top.

Who is the Union officer that was given credit for saving little round top?

Joshua Chamberlain of Maine under the command of Strong Vincent of Erie Pa.

Was Joshua Chamberlain from the north or the south?

Joshua Chamberlain was from the North (Union), He left a professorship at Bowdoin College, Maine, eventually taking command of the 20th Maine. During the Battle of Gettysburg, his counterattack on Little Round Top won for him the Medal of Honor

What was the 20th maines part in defending little round top?

They bravely stood against confederate attack made by general John B Hood and others. When most of the 20th Maine were out of ammo, their commander, colonel Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, ordered a bayonet charge (very rare in the Civil War) which surprised the confederates and drove them from little round top. They are thus credited with saving the left flank of the union army. Had it been taken, the confederates could have rolled up the union army from left to right. Which would have been bad, needless to say.

Union colonel at Gettysburg and former college professor?

Col. Chamberlain of the 20th Maine was a former college professor, and later governor of the state and president of a major college.

What was the importance of little round top?

Little Round Top was a hill occupied by a sizable Union force. An ill fated serious of Confederate assaults on this hill caused an unacceptable number of Rebel casualties. The charge was led by Confederate General George Pickett. It became one of the defining moments within the three day battle at Gettysburg. The assaults were unfounded and contrary to Lee's plans to win at Gettysburg.