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C'mon, mexicans are the biggest cowards in the world and nothing has changed every since! They pretty much outnumber the world alone, but they're still the biggest cowards in the Universe! LMAO!

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Q: How did Cortes overcome being outnumbered and conquer moctezuma and the Aztecs?
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How did Cortes overcome being outnumbered and conquered the Aztecs?

Smallpox killed off 90 percent of the population of Aztecs. Also he had better weapons and was more skilled in the art of war. But there are other mysteries surrounding this that historians still have yet to discover. Cortes was aided by the Native tribes the Aztecs had conquered.

Was moctezuma the leader of the Aztecs when the Spaniards arrived?


Who is the most important leader of the Aztecs?

Moctezuma II

Was Montezuma II a leader?

Yes, for the Aztecs. And its Moctezuma II

Who was monazuma?

"Montezuma" is a misunderstanding for the high priest of the Aztecs, Moctezuma.

Why were the Spanish about to conquer the Aztecs?

The Aztecs had gold.

What happened to the Aztecs after cortez conqured them?

What happened after Cortes conquered the Aztecs is he went and took control of the Aztecs. He also killed Moctezuma.

What is Montezuma's full name?

Moctezuma Ilhuicamina or for present day distinctions Moctezuma I Moctezuma Xocoyotzin = Moctezuma II known for being the ruler of the Aztecs during the Spanish conquest against Hernan Cortes there are alot of different spelling for Moctezuma

Who was the king of the Aztecs when Hernan invaded the Aztecs?

When Hernan Cortes invaded Tenochtitlan and the Aztec empire, the Aztecs were being ruled by Moctezuma II. Moctezuma was a very religious men so he thought that Cortes was the god Quetzalcoatl coming back to his land. Before the Spanish conquistador came to Mexico, about 9 omens (weird signs or things that happened that meant that a big change was coming) appeared, so Moctezuma thought that those omens meant that Quetzalcoatl was coming back. Later Hernan Cortes used this as an advantage to conquer the Aztec empire.

What happened when Moctezuma offered Cortés gold to get him to leave?

the Aztecs gave it to him .

What factor was the most important in aiding Spanish success in the Americans?

The factor that helped the Spaniards conquer the Aztecs was their superior weapons and the help they received from Native Tribes that the Aztecs had conquered. Spanish conquistador Hernan' Cortes was able to capture their ruler, Moctezuma, and was disgrace by the Aztec Tribe.

Who was the leader of the Aztecs when the Europeans first came?

Motecuhzoma II (Also known as Montezuma or Moctezuma)