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Cyrus brought about a positive and diplomatic approach that cut down greatly on the amount of internal conflict within an empire. As long as a conquered people paid the required tribute, Cyrus allowed them to have much of what they wanted. He showed toleration for their cultures and beliefs. They were allowed to worship their own God, practice their own beliefs and remain relatively free.

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Q: How did Cyrus's policies of toleration change the way empires were ruled?
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How did policy of toleration change the way empires were rules?

It did not change the way all empires were ruled, only the Persian Empire. It led to a greater devolution of local power and incredible non-Persian loyalty and friendship among the conquered gentry. This allowed Cyrus to use royal funds to improve the empire as opposed to using it to constantly suppress minorities.

How did cyrus's policy of toleration change the way empires were ruled?

It did not change the way all empires were ruled, only the Persian Empire. It led to a greater devolution of local power and incredible non-Persian loyalty and friendship among the conquered gentry. This allowed Cyrus to use royal funds to improve the empire as opposed to using it to constantly suppress minorities.

How were Cyrus's rules different from those of earlier empires?

He carried on the same techniques as the predecessor empires - Assyria and Babylon - after taking them over - he was not going to change a winning formula. Local government was retained, with oversight by Persian provincial governors, just as the others had done.

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The creation of empires changed society because rulers kept the society in tact.

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No! Parents can not change school policies. may be allowed the opportunity to express their opinion but does not mean it will change the policy.

Why is war and conquest so important to empires?

Because that's usually how empires grew, and empires wanted to grow. Keeping a situation static - freezing it at one given moment isn't natural, change is. So if there has to be change, better to be growing than to be shrinking.

How do you change tolerate to abstract noun?

The abstract noun forms for the verb to tolerate are tolerance, toleration, and the gerund, tolerating.

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the biggest change was their culture

What Constantine do for the Empire?

He helped to change the empires religious beliefs to Christianity.

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In response to the change in British policies in the 1760s, the colonists organized boycotts, followed by a revolution