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when one of the daleks goes to exterminate the doctor, sec stands up in front of him, resulting in his death

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Q: How did Dalek sec hybrid really die?
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How can you dress up like Dalek sec hybrid?

You need to buy dalek sec hybrid voice changer mask then just put on a black suit and some black shoes

Who is the most powerful dalek?

either dalek sec or dalek stratigest

Who is the best dalek in the cult of skaro?

1st . dalek caan 2nd. dalek sec 3rd . dalek they 4th . dalek jast

Which Dalek went mad after the time war?

The Dalek that went insane after pulling Davros from the time-war is Dalek Caan, apart of the Cult Of Skaro (Dalek Sec, Dalek Caan, Dalek Jast, Dalek They)

What are the names of the cult of skaro off Doctor who?

the daleks make the cult of skaro, there names are, Dalek Sec (leader), Dalek Caan, Dalek Thay and Dalek Jast

What is the history of the Cult of Skaro?

There was four daleks in the cult of skaro. Dalek Thay, Dalek Caan, Daleck Sec and Dalek Jast. They ecaped the time war and hid in the void ship until they came out in army of ghosts and doomsday.

What are the names of all of the daleks in Doctor Who?

Not all daleks have names, the more notable ones just have titles, such as Dalek Emperor, or Dalek Supreme. The Cult of Skaro had names though, their names were Dalek Sec, Caan, Jast and Thay.

Are daleks nice to their own race or just plain mean?

Dalek hierarchy is quite strict, and all Daleks in one particular faction have the same mindset, they don't have individual personalities, the leaders command and the drones obey. It's not really a case of them being nice or nasty to each other. One thing they tend to not tolerate though is any deviance away from the dalek 'ideal' - such as Dalek Sec becoming a human-dalek hybrid. Another example, the 'pure' New Paradigm daleks eliminating the ones that created them due to those being inferior, grown from Davros' cells and not being pure daleks. Dalek factions will fight each other viciously also, due to differing ideals.

Which Dalek is better Dalek Sec or Dalek Caan?

This is debatable.Dalek Sec:He is the only black-coloured Dalek, showing his authority.He was chosen by the Dalek Emperor himself to lead the Cult of Scaro.He triggered the emergency temporal shift to prevent the Cult from being sucked into the Void, thus saving the future of the Dalek race.He would have been brainier than the rest of the Cult to be able to think of new ways of surviving for the Dalek race.BUTHe makes the mistake of trying to merge his own DNA with a human's, resulting in the weak Dalek Sec Hybrid.This led him to be disowned, and eventually shot, by the rest of the Cult.Dalek Caan:He took over from Dalek Sec as leader for a short while, and was the last surviving member of the Cult of Skaro.After transporting back to he Time War, and rescuing Davros, he got the ability to see the future.BUTHe betrayed the Daleks, because after seeing the evil his kind had performed, he decided to go against them and secretly contribute to their defeat.I'll leave the answer for you to decide.

What did daleks say?

This song has some Hebrew lyrics, such as the line that roughly translates as 'What is happening Sec' (Hebrew doesn't have a word for Dalek so we must assume it refers to Dalek Sec). In the song the Hebrew word 'Korah' is chanted, which translates as 'The Happening', which could refer to the Daleks evolving.

What is the Cult of Skaro?

The cult of Skaro is a band of four daleks in the science-fictional television series Doctor Who. They were a secret organisation above and beyond the emperor dalek himself. They were the first daleks to have individual names. They were: * Dalek Sec (the black dalek) * Dalek Caan * Dalek Jaast * Dalek Thay Those four daleks were the only to escape the time war. They did so in a void ship along with a stolen Time Lord originated prison ship which contained millions upon millions of daleks.

Who was Dalek Caan?

The Emperor of the Daleks created a group of Daleks to "think like the enemy thinks", in other words, figure out ways of killing, technology and ways of survival that no normal Dalek could think of. They were called 'The Cult of Skaro'. They had to be 'un-dalek' so the Daleks could become more efficient, not only physically but also mentally. They became so 'un-dalek' that they became ememies of the Emperor, as the Emperor believed they were going too far. Dalek Caan (along with Dalek Sec, Jast and Thay) was one of them. When the Cult killed Sec (the leader) after becoming part human, Caan was appointed leader. When Dalek Thay and Jast were destroyed by humans, the Cult of Skaro was eradicated and Caan escaped using a teleportation system known as the 'Emergancy Temporal Shift'. He went back in the time war and rescued Davros (the creator of the Daleks) from his death (Davros was killed in the "Time War" but Caan saved him). Dalek Caan had the whole of time and space in his mind and became a "mad prophet". Seeing what the Daleks have done and what they were, he betrayed the Daleks and helped the Doctor by destroying them. In a way, he died doing his duty; thinking like the enemy thinks.