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Q: How did Democritus convince the Greeks that substances were made of particles?
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Why did the ancient Greeks reject Democritus' ideas about atoms?

The greeks rejected democritus's idea because they thought that there was something smaller than the atoms.

Did the ancient Greeks do scientific experiments on Democritus's atomic theory?

The ancient Greeks did not perform any experiments to test the atomic theory proposed by Democritus. To the ancient Greeks the atomic theory was a part of philosophy, not science.

The Greeks were the first to use the term?

The Greeks were the first to use the term atom. Democritus first coined the term Atomos, which is defined as uncuttable. Atoms were based purely on philosophy in Democritus's time.

Why did the ancient reject Democritus idea about atom?

The greeks rejected democritus's idea because they thought that there was something smaller than the atoms.

What is democritus ang lencippus?

Leucippus or Leukippos was a Greek scientist who lived sometime around 450-500 years BCE. He was one of the earliest scientists to come up with the theory of atomism, that everything is made up of particles that cannot be divided up any further. The Greeks called these particles "atoms".

Who coined the word atom?

The Greeks, from the word atomon, meaning "uncuttable, indivisible."

Who was the first person to suggest the idea of atoms in the fourth century bc?

Greeks Leucippus of Miletus and Democritus of Thrace

What did Leucippus discover?

Leucippus or Leukippos was a Greek scientist who lived sometime around 450-500 years BCE. He didn't so much "discover" as theorized. He was one of the earliest scientists to come up with the theory of atomism, that everything is made up of particles that cannot be divided up any further. The Greeks called these particles "atoms". His disciple was Democritus.

Who started the first study of Atom?

The first study of the atom was done by the Greeks. Particularly by Thales of Miletus and Democritus.

What were Democritus ideas about atoms?

Democritus' only belief about atoms was that they were one of the possibilities when debating the structure of matter.The Ancient Greeks loved to debate things, with a very strong liking for the abstract. One of the essentials for a debate is that one or more people should support one side, and one or more should support the other. If everyone agrees on something no debate is possible, which the Greeks would have regarded as no fun at all.The original question was "Can matter be divided indefinitely, or will you eventually find a small unit which can not be further divided ?". Democritus argued that there was a limit, after which things become indivisible. The Greek word for indivisible was atomos from which we got the word atom. Many people feel that the word atom and the very concept of indivisibility,were the only two things of interest that came out of this great debate.In fact, there was one more thing, that was conspicuous only by its absence. The Greeks argued, and argued, and argued; they discussed and debated and argued, and they talked and they talked and they talked. Not once did the Greeks look for evidence. Did they do lots of experiments ? Oh my goodness ! No! None at all. Not one. An experiment would have meant doing rather than talking; doing was work and work was done by slaves (of which they had many). No Greek would demean himself by working.It is difficult for us, at this remove, to pass any judgment on the Greeks viewpoint. What we can say, with 20/20 hindsight, is that the Greeks contributed remarkably little to engineering and even less to physics or chemistry. However, their contribution to politics, philosophy and mathematics is a stunning legacy. They did much more than their share for the advancement of human knowledge.

Did the Greeks discover particles?

Depends on what you mean by "discover". Around 450 BC, Democritus proposed his idea that matter was not infinitely divisible, but made of chunks called "atoms", which each had distinct properties that contributed to the properties of the whole material. This is pretty similar to the true state of affairs, but this was pretty much guesswork on his part. The Greeks never performed any kind of experiments that could confirm the existence of particles. People didn't really start observing particles like electrons until the latter half of the 19th century, although they had a rough idea that they had to exist prior to that. Protons and neutrons weren't observed directly until the 20th century.

What was Democritus expecting to happen when he discovered the electron?

Democritus did not discover the electron, He was a Greek philosopher who was the first to hypothesize the atom. There was much experimentation with the property of electricity (dating back to the early Greeks), but the particle was not discovered until the 1800s by a number of German physicists. Research the electron for a more detailed explanation.