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the Egyptians treasured the Nile

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Q: How did Egyptians take advantage of their environment?
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How did the Egyptians take advantage of the Nile's Flooding?

how did egyptians take advantage of the Nile's yearly spring flooding it's either they developed geometry, they could now live in the desert, they became successful farmers, or they could grow papyrus

How do egyptians adapt to environment?

the answers is that they plant and take care of their environment adapt is the word that for them means luv and care

How do Egyptians adapt to their environment?

the answers is that they plant and take care of their environment adapt is the word that for them means luv and care

How did the egyptians lift the stone?

Two words, mechanical advantage.

How did the Egyptians adapt the environment to suit themselves?

They didnt

What are the mineral resources in Egypt?

The three mineral recources are limestone, sandstone, and granite. This came to be a huge advantage to the ancient Egyptians to build structures, and is still an advantage to Egyptians nowadays.

What was the advantage the conquerers of Egypt had over the Egyptians?

hun.... it was there weapons that was there advantage over the Egyptans the worked with several weapons

What is advantage of alternate energy resources?

One advantage is that it is safe for the environment.

Why is this planet so adapted to the life upon it or vice versa?

Organisms evolve in relation to the environment surrounding them often to their advantage. Organisms in water develop fins or propulsionary characteristics to take advantage of movement in water. Monkeys developed dexterity in feet to have 3rd and 4th hands to climb trees easily. Photosynthetic organisms take advantage of the sun to produce energy. Respiratory organisms took advantage of the products of photosynthesis. Evolution gives the appearance that the earth was made for us when in fact organisms just developed to take advantage of what the environment provided.

Why did Egyptians want to control Nubian trade?

Nubian resources, such as gold and copper, were very important to the Egyptians; therefore, it was to their advantage to control Nubian trade.

Why did the Egyptians want to control Nubian trade?

Nubian resources, such as gold and copper, were very important to the Egyptians; therefore, it was to their advantage to control Nubian trade.

What did the conquerors of Egypt have that gave them an advantage over the Egyptians?

The conquerors of Egypt had an advantage of Romans because of their weapons.