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Europeans caused populations to decline severely in both places.

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Q: How did European actions during the Age of Exploration affect both Africa and the Americas similarly?
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How did the European actions during the Age of Exploration affect both Africa and the Americas similarly?

Europeans caused populations to decline severely in both places.

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How should Columbus be remembered?

Columbus should be remembered as a historical figure who played a prominent role in the exploration and opening up of the Americas. While he is often credited with discovering America, it is important to acknowledge the native populations who were already living there. Remembering Columbus should involve recognizing the impact of his actions on both European colonization and the indigenous peoples of the Americas.

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In Early Modern as well as Modern European History, people used nationalism as the basis for their actions in nearly countless ways. An Early Modern example is found in the exploration and subjugation of non-European lands, both western and eastern. A Modern example is found in the aggressive expansionism of Fascist groups in Italy and Germany in the 20th century.

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European nations expanded their territories in the 19th century through colonization, conquest, and treaties. They pursued these actions to gain resources, expand markets, and exert power globally. This period saw the emergence of European empires as they acquired colonies in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.

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