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Q: How did European colonialism affect Africa is culture?
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How did European colonialism affect africas culture?

it had a negative affect in the farming economy if Africa

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How did eupopean colonialism affect Africa's culture?

Colonialists destroyed their way of life. They were happy in the traditional economy style tribes and they didn't know how to survive in western civilization lifestyle. Thus they were thrown into poverty and treated as second class citizens in their own home. and the africa is really good place

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Mansa Musa's pilgrimage affects European views toward Africa in a good way. Mansa Musa was a devout Muslim who made a pilgrimage to Mecca that helped spread Mali's fame.

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Find it in ur book! don't be lazy!!

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Nathu la pass

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it made them want to stay there and get the resources.

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Colonial Rule, affected agriculture in Africa by bringing in more crop's and growing more resources and trading more.