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Washington was the first president and served for 8 years. He established the position and set precedents for many actions of the President. One thing he did was establish with no uncertainly that the federal government could levy taxes and would enforce their collection. He personally rode out at the head of a militia force to put down the farmers who rebelled at paying the whiskey tax.

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Q: How did George Washington limit presidential powers?
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What was a lasting impact of George Washington's presidency?

The lasting impact of George Washington is that he legitimized the United States presidency and set precedents that remain today, such as the presidential veto and two-term limit (which later became law).

What was a long lasting precedent set by Washington?

George Washington set the 2-term limit.

What was the first presidential precedent set by George Washington?

One of the first presidential precedents set by George Washington was the two-term limit. Despite being popular enough to be elected for a third term, Washington voluntarily stepped down after serving two terms, setting a precedent that subsequent presidents followed until it became an established rule with the 22nd Amendment in 1951.

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Franklin D. Roosevelt ran for a third presidential term even though all of the president before him had served under a two-term limit.

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Franklin Roosevelt was the only President who broke the customary two-term limit began by George Washington. It then became clear that the limit needed to be established by law rather relying solely on precedent.

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limit the powers of government limit the powers of government limit the powers of government limit the powers of government

Why did you change from 4 presidential terms to 2 terms?

It was never four presidential terms. George Washington originally established the precedent when he resigned after two, but they only set a limit of two after FDR had four terms throughout WWII (he died in his fourth), and Congress later thought he became to king-like.

What precedent did George Washington set future president?

Two-Term Limit As President.

What was George Washington's legacy?

The lasting impact of George Washington is that he legitimized the United States presidency and set precedents that remain today, such as the presidential veto and two-term limit (which later became law).

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Congress needed to be notified of troop deployments. Presidential authority to declare war was abolished. Congress had to approve of military appointments. The president could send troops as needed to areas of crisis

Why was the thirteen amendment established?

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Limit on presidential terms......