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"After the Exodus," not during.

Not knowing which incident you're referring to, I'll assume it's the Golden Calf (Exodus ch.32-33). The punishment was that God smote them (Exodus 32:35) and an unspecified number of people died. If you meant to ask about a different incident (or all of them), please post another question.

Here is further background:

The Golden Calf (Exodus ch.32) was a case of taking the initiative.

It was a one-time error which was quickly and decisively stamped out. And while it was a serious offense, it may be a bit less of a puzzle if we consider the following:

1) It seemed that Moses had died (Rashi commentary, Exodus 32:1); and they wanted something or someone to lead them (Exodus 32:1). They felt that this (seemingly) drastic circumstance justified quickly taking unusual measures.

2) They had a tradition that they would eventually build an edifice to God (Rashi, Exodus 26:15); and, not yet having been commanded as to the details (the Tabernacle), they thought that they might now improvise.

3) The actual intent was not to worship the Golden Calf itself, but to worship the Presence of God (Exodus 32:5) which (they hoped) would dwell upon it.

4) The entire event was instigated by Egyptians (Rashi, Exodus 32:4) who had recently joined among the mixed multitude (Exodus 12:38).

5) Those who sinned were, at most, in the thousands (Exodus 32:28). Not hundreds of thousands.

6) That generation was judged by an exacting standard, precisely because they were on a high level (Rabbi Yehudah HaLevi).

7) In each era, there are different spiritual tests. The (main) test in ancient times was whether people would succumb to the lure of idolatry and its preludes. This powerful lure has since been emasculated (Talmud, Yoma 69b), so it is hard for us now to fully comprehend.

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God sent Egypt and Pharaoh the ten plaques , and with the last one , he released the slaves.

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Q: How did God punish the Jewish people for disobedience during the Exodus?
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