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Q: How did Hamilton get the south to agree to the assumption of state debts?
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What compromise led the South's agreement to accept Hamilton's plan?

The Compromise of 1790, brokered by James Madison, led to the South's agreement to accept Alexander Hamilton's financial plan. As part of the compromise, the capital was moved to Washington D.C., and in return, Hamilton's plan for assumption of state debts was approved. This helped to establish financial stability and unity within the new nation.

What did the South receive in the compromise over the war debts between Hamilton and Jefferson?

The capital was moved to the South

What did Alexander Hamilton agree to do to win support from the southern leader?

locate the national capital in the south

Southern states agree to Hamilton's plan when they compromised to put the capital in the south (True /False)?


If _______ states voted for ________ plan to pay off the ______ debts, Washington would support locating the _________ _______ in the ______?

Southern, Hamilton's, state, national capital, south.

How was the payment of the national debt conflict between Jefferson and Hamilton resolved?

The government repaid the war debts and a new capital would be in the South.

What is a reason that some people did not like Alexander Hamiltons idea in 1790?

The reason that some people did not like Alexander Hamilton's idea in 1790 is because they were opposed of Hamilton's plan to pay off debts. Many war debts were already fulfilled in the South. The North was still obligated to pay their debt and Hamilton felt aiding in paying off this debt would be beneficial for the economy. The South however was opposed due to the fact they already contributed into paying off their debt.

Describe the methods and policies Alexander Hamilton used to put the federal government on a sound financial footing?

Alexander Hamilton proposed a plan to assume state debts and establish a national bank to manage finances effectively. He also advocated for imposing tariffs and excise taxes to generate revenue for the federal government. Hamilton's financial policies set a precedent for a strong centralized government with the ability to manage debt and promote economic growth.

Why did the south object to Hamilton plan to repay the bonds?

now im not completely sure, which is sad because i am in ap us history, but i think it was because the south were all about state rights, and what hamilton wanted to do was pay off states debts to make the main bank the bank of the united states. the south felt having a strong national bank gave more power to the congress than to the states. the south felt in the long run if the congress decided to make the national bank stronger that they could abolished slavery. so basically it was a power issue. the south wanted the states to have more power and run the bank and felt that hamilton was trying to have more power with his national bank. hope that make sense to you. My answer: Southern states complained that they would have to pay more than their share under Hamilton's plan. rscholet: Some of the southern states had paid off their war debts so it seemed unfair to allow a number of northern states off the hook. Alexander Hamilton did make some adjustments for some of those states, especially Virginia. Hamilton also argued that much of the state's debt was incurred in support of the war, so in a way they were national debts. His Assumption plan worked so well that in 5 years our bonds were offered at a premium over all other countries. Not bad from starting in a debt-ridden situation.

Why did the south object to Alexander Hamilton's plan to repay the bonds?


Why did southern members of Congress agree to support Hamilton plan?

After long months they agreed so the goverment could build it's new capital city in the south

Where is the Hamilton-Wenham Public Library in South Hamilton located?

The address of the Hamilton-Wenham Public Library is: 14 Union St., South Hamilton, 01982 2112