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The question implies that before embarking on the Holocaust, Hitler somehow 'lined up' the German population to 'support' a plan for mass murder on a huge scale (and that he needed that kind of support). That is not how things actually happened. The regime feared that the Holocaust didn't have active mass support and kept it secret. Research by the historian Martin Broszat suggests that most Germans had some idea of what was going on but simply did not care.


Hitler used Propaganda to encourage the Germans that what he was doing was necessary. It was everywhere, telling them to boycott Jewish stores and businesses. In addition he twisted the words of philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche and Charles Darwin. Social Darwinism or 'survival of the fittest' was a key theory which justified his actions.


Three important features of the propaganda were:

1. The idea that the Jews were anti-German and were trying to dominate Germany and/or the whole world. This conspiracy theory was invented by Wilhelm Marr in 1879 and had at the time had generally been laughed at the time. However, some leading Nazis took it seriously.

2. Endless claims that the Jews were "born Communists" and that by "eliminating" the Jews from German life he would get rid of the "biological root" of Communism.

3. Use of public health imagery. Nazi propaganda usually called the Jews "pests", "dangerous viruses", "vermin" and so on - with obvious implications.

Despite all this many Germans - especially in larger cities - knew some Jews, had had dealings with them when it had still been allowed and didn't believe the propaganda.


However, the Holocaust wasn't something that was discussed in public in Nazi Germany. It was secret.

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13y ago

He simply didn't bother to consult them. The Nazi structure of the SS, the Gestapo and a close group of intimates like Goering, Himler, Heydrich and Hess made it possible to secretly create the infrastructure required to implement the "final solution to the Jewish question. No one set out to eliminate the Jews? It is true that some Germans knew, some suspected, and some were naive or oblivious to what was going on around them. Adolph Hitler only needed a small cadre that could and would place into action Hitler's will.

AnswerHe used propaganda to persuade the Germans to follow his ideas. After WW1, Germany was having money issues and there seemed to be no solution. Then Hitler showed up with a solution to their money issues, and someone they could blame for what happened after the war: the Jews. He had so many people under his power, he could do anything, so he killed. Not only Jews, but Catholics, gypsies, and mentally ill people were also killed. Some tried to stop it, but the majority of Germany went with Hitlers beliefs, to eliminate the Jews

he did not use propaganda to persuade GERMANS he used propaganda to make the JEWS want to go to the concentration camps.

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12y ago

Hitler got the general public in Germany to agree with the final solution by sending out the wrong message to everyone (including children). This was known as propaganda. Teachers in schools taught their pupils how to identify a Jew and any Jewish children in the class were discriminated. Hitler also put up posters all around the country, promoting the Aryan race and telling people that Jewish people were destroying it. His view was drilled into people's lives and eventually turned the majority of the popluation into believing his opinion. Lives for Jews in Germany got bad from here...


The above says how the Nazi regime encouraged antisemitism. The actual question asks: 'How did Hitler get people to agree with the Final Solution?' If people refers to the German population in general, the answer is that they were not asked or even told about the Final Solution. There is some evidence, too, (for example, from Meldungen aus dem Reich) that Nazi propaganda was much less effective than the answer suggests. For example, it appears that the decree requiring Jews to wear the Yellow Star led to a wave of public sympathy for the Jews. Things were more complicated than the first answer suggests.

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16y ago

he convince them b ecause he didn't want to supprt them.

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He Gave Them Drugs!

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Q: How did Hitler manipulate the Germans to support his views on the Holocaust?
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Have you ever heard of Hitler? He was the Nazi leader which is often considered as Germans which is a big stereotype. Hitler started the Holocaust so that is the connection___The Holocaust was carried out by men in German uniforms acting on orders passed down from their leaders. To put it simply: It was Germany that committed the Holocaust.