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Islam never spread by war. Refer to question below.

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Q: How did Islam spread based on military expansion?
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Who spreaded Islam?

allahs prophets (peace be upon them) and their books, (the tawrah, the quraan etc) has resulted in the widespread success of the religion of islam. the prophets warned the people of the days to come and told them to worship only one true god.

Which device is based on the expansion of matter as temperature increases?

Thermometer is based on the expansion of matter as temperature increases.

A religion based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad?

Islam is based on the teachings of Muhammad.

What religion is based on the teachings of Muhammad?

Islam is the religion based on the teaching of Muhammad.

How did Islam spread to the islands of southeast Asia?

Islam spread to the island of southeast Asia through traders and merchants. Many of the city states in Malaysia and west Indonesia had a strong maritime trading orientation and as a result, accommodated many Muslim merchants from Arabia, India, and the East African coast. As a result, the ideas of Islam became incorporated in those areas, supplanting the previous Buddhism. In the rest of Southeast Asia, such as Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, and Vietnam, the orientation was much more inland and river-based trade, meaning that Islam did not have the same inroads and access.

How did Muhammad bring Islam is into Arabia?

Muhammad preached the message of Islam in Mecca, facing opposition from the Quraysh tribe. He eventually migrated to Medina, where he gained followers and established a community based on Islamic principles. Through his teachings, leadership, and example, Muhammad successfully spread Islam throughout Arabia.

What religion is Pristine Islam based on?

Pristine Islam is based on Wahhabism. It is a radical and fundamentalist religious movement based on reinterpretations of the Quran and Hadith.

Why were they successful in their quest to the empire and spread Islam?

Because Islam is based on uniting the people and for their cooperation and urged their observance and non-oppressed and also Islam calls for the Lord, and only one does not have a son or wife is, Allah (god) turns to him when people misfortunes and needs so it was easy for Muslims to convince people who are not Muslims to this religion

How Islam spead in Africa?

Many factors contributed in the spread of Islam in Africa. The kind, compassionate and based on equality and justice treatment of the Muslimforces and traders impressed the African people and they embraced Islam.

Which group caused Islam to spread so far and so fast?

May be the 11 sep. event. This caused high attention and research about Islam in world and more people could know Islam and how it is not a religion of violence or terrorism and how it calls for tolerance and peace and is based on authentic Quran revelation from God to prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

Is Islam based on monotheism or polytheism?

Islam is one of the great monotheistic religions.

Islam is based on the sunna and?
