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Jackie Kennedy achieved her goals quietly and privately. One of her main goals was to raise her children so they were not spoiled by the wealth and fame of the Kennedy family, at a time when many Americans and citizens wanted more pictures and access to them. She did so by devoting much of her time to keep the children away from the public spotlight when she was in the White House, and by watching over her children so they did not engage in the kind of boisterous behavior that came along with the Shriver kids and Bobby Kennedy's kids. She used her wit and cool judgement quietly to influence others to contribute to her efforts to restore the White House, and help the prestige of her husband's administration. She chose to be independent and decided what she wanted to wear, paint, and read. Many of her goals were achieved simply because she was adamant about achieving them. Another example of a goal she made was that her desire to create a guidebook for tours of the recently restored White House. But her husband decided that creating a White House guidebook for tourists was a bad idea. He felt it would look bad for the administration, since the Kennedys were so very wealthy, yet appear to be publicly cheap. So she told him her committee was in so much debt that they needed to make them and charge money for them. She knew that the whole restoration was privately funded, reminding the President that not many wealthy people would necessarily be generous enough to help pay for this, but young and eager tourists would. This was not necessarily the truth, but the guidebooks tourists have when they explore the White House today exist because of this goal made by Jackie Kennedy.

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