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The Christian answer is that the disciples saw the risen Jesus and believed in him. That Jesus told the apostles he was the messiah (Christ) and commanded them to preach his gospel.

Various scholars have studied the early centuries of the Church and have tried to establish what its origins really were. For example, Mack (Who Wrote the New Testament: The Making of the Christian Myth) argues that Jesus was a wandering preacher who was not crucified at all. According to Mack, Jesus built up a following that he calls "the Jesus movement". He believes a breakaway group deified Jesus, creating a new cult that he calls "the Christ cult". The Christ cult began the tradition that Christ was crucified and resurrected, in the manner of many gods of the time. Others believe that the Christ cult preceded the Jesus movement and that Jesus of Nazareth was syncretised into the movement somewhat later.

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Q: How did Jesus come to be understood as Christ Lord and Savior in the post Easter period and in the early centuries of the Church?
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