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Shortly after Our Blessed Savior's resurrection around 33 A.D.,

mind you there were almost no official records until the Church came out of the catacombs approximately three centuries later, but by that time, Easter had been celebrated from the beginning.

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Q: When did the Catholic Church make Easter official?
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How do you get a Baptism that says I am Catholic in Calgary?

You make an appointment with the local Catholic priest and go in and talk to him to find out what is required. If you are an adult, you will most likely attend RCIA classes and be received into the Church at Easter.

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It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church. The Catholic Church served to preserve learning throughout the "Dark Ages." It also tended to provide some cohesion to the disparate European states as well as an important arbiter of political disagreements.

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You would need to talk to a Catholic priest. If you formally broke from the Catholic Church it would be handled differently from a Catholic who just quit going to Church. In the former you would be required to renew your baptismal promises as well as make a good confession. In the latter, you would simply make a confession.

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Unfortunately, the Church has little control over the name Catholic and it is hijacked all the time by groups that are NOT in union with Rome and, therefore, not truly Catholic. A few examples: The American Catholic Church, The American Charismatic Catholic Church, the Polish National Catholic Church. Calling oneself something does not make it so.

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No, separation of church and state.

How does Roman Catholic Church fail to fulfill their purpose?

First off, it's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church. . Secondly, the Church's mission is to "continue the works of Jesus Christ" and to make his name "known and loved." As the Catholic Church is the Body of Christ, and as it was commissioned by Our Blessed Lord Himself, on the apostle Peter; further He send the Holy Spirit to guide the Church until the end of the world. Thus, it cannot fail in its mission, we as fallible human beings who make up the Church can impede or help this purpose either by following God and cooperating with His Will, or we can frustrate it to an extent through our personal sins. But the Church as such is divine and cannot fail of its purpose.

What is the first step into Catholicism?

It depends on where you are stepping from. Any person who wishes to enter the Catholic Church must follow what is known as the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, or RCIA. This is a formation process that begins with lessons on the Catholic religion. Initially, people interested in the Catholic Church or becoming Catholic inquire about the RCIA classes at their local church. Once enrolled, the person will attend classes that could be taught by a priest or another qualified lay person. Here, they can learn about the Catholic religion and have any questions they have answered. There is never any obligation to formally join the Church during the classes. People are, however encouraged to attend Sunday Mass during RCIA to begin to become part of the church community they may eventually join. The class portion of RCIA usually lasts about a year. Once the classes are over, and the person has decided to join the Catholic Church, they must receive the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, First Reconcilliation, and First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Normally, a person is formally received into the Church at the Easter Vigil Mass, or the Mass the night before Easter Sunday. Usually a person will make their First Reconcilliation, or first confession sometime prior to the Easter Vigil Mass. This isn't as scary as one would think, as the person is prepared ahead of time. If the person is already baptized, they will not receive baptism at the Easter Vigil. The Catholic Church accepts baptism from any Christian church as long as they use the Trinitarian formula; i.e. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The person will also receive First Holy Communion and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil, at which time they will become a full member of the Catholic Church. Hope this helps!

Can your baby be considered catholic if baptized in a Methodist church?

I'm afraid not. The Catholic church will consider the baby as a 'Christian' and not a 'Roman Catholic' since they were baptized. It's a valid sacrament in the eyes of the Catholic Church. However you need to talk to the parish priest in the Catholic Church and they'll guide you with more information as to make your baby a Roman Catholic.

What reforms did the Catholic church make?

There were a few things that the catholic church reformed. One of the main things they did were created new religious orders.

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it doesn't make sense