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Judea in the first century was a dangerous place to live. Controled by the Roman Empire and governed by Pontis Pilate, and enforced by Roman soldiers, stepping out of line could bring dire consequences. Pilate's duty was to keep the locals under control. Anybody that stirred up the Jews was bound to have trouble with officials. Jesus was attracting large crowds, at times they were unruly and on the verge of riot. Order at all costs. Although Pilate had nothing against Jesus he was concerned about the power that the Nazerine held over the crowds.

The rabbi's and priests used this as a means to get rid of Jesus permanently. They more or less forced Pilate's hand, calling for Jesus' crucifixion. A reluctant Pilate finally order Jesus to be put to death.

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Q: How did Jesus go against the laws and rules of society?
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