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We believe this, because it says it in The Bible, our ultimate proof of God. It says He died on the cross to save us from our own sin, He is our ultimate lamb*, and He rose from the dead three days later to rise to His kingdom, "Heaven". *In the days before Jesus, if you sinned, you would have to kill your best lamb. Jesus took the place of that perfect lamb. Jesus is our perfect lamb.


They believe that Jesus Christ satisfied God's justice toward humankind. Humankind breaks God's law, so God desires to punish them. However, God made a way through Christ by placing the punishment on another so the guilty party would be set free and, in essence, saved. Christ was the only One that could because He is holy, that is, perfect, and only those without sin could appease God's wrath (this is symbolized by a spotless lamb being sacrificed under Jewish law; see the Old Testament). He died so the world might be saved from God's wrath. His resurrection is foundational to the hope in which Christians have in being saved and going to be with Him (Christ) someday. Only by believing on Him, however, are people spared for that coming day.

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By dying on the cross for the sins of all mankind.

Another view:

Jesus didn't save the world, only those who believe will be saved and not all will believe.

Throughout the history of mankind, as recorded in the Bible, God has accepted an animal sacrifice as payment for sin. (Sin is separation from God, a wrong relationship with God and people will be judged according to their relationship with God.)

Read the story of Cain and Abel in Genesis 4.

Throughout the history of the nation of Israel offering a sacrifice was the way a person was returned to a right relation ship with God.

Jesus came to die as a sacrifice for all sins of all people. But a person must accept this gift personally. Christ's death does not mean automatic salvation for all.

Joh 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

Joh 3:18 "He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

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14y ago

He died a terrible death on the cross. Through his sacrifice we are saved.

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