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Some of the top Nazis were given help by the Vatican! See the link below. There were probably many ways for them to get smuggled out of Germany. Some material that I've read said that General Skozeny helped some escape through Italy. He wa, the German general who commanded the special English-speaking commandos who infiltrated the US lines at Battle of Bulge. Supposedly, he had contacts that could smuggle Nazi's out of the coastal port of La Spezia (near Genoa, Italy). I guess from there they made their voyage to Brazile or South America.

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14y ago

The Nazis had real difficulties in Denmark first it seemed rather easy.They swarmed across the tiny border between Denmark and Germany and because there was a rather small army the king thought it was best if Denmark capitulated.They sank their ships in the harbour and then allowed the German superior force to occupy Denmark. Later however when it was understood that the Germans were going to start rounding up the Jews of Denmark,the people started fighting back.They bombed major munition installations and rail lines.They mounted an unprecedeneted underground communications network to keep people informed about what was going on and an amazing number of ordinary Danes began advising their Jewish friends to go into hiding.They hid the Jews in homes in churches on farms and finally smuggled them into small fishing boats and sailed them to neutral Sweeden.

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8y ago

Some ways that Jews tried to escape were:

Emigration; either by land or by sea, people tried to escape to France, Spain or overseas.

Changing identity; some churches in both the west and the east would provide falsified baptismal records. Or children would be adopted into Christian families.

Hiding; some people would actually remain hidden until after the war.

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15y ago

some just ran away from the consentrastion camps EDIT: W-R-O-N-G for the most part. Many were transported to safety by boats.

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16y ago

Danish Jews were able to ride in ambulances and fishermen would take them.

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15y ago

They hid out like the Anne Franke story, or they survived the concentration camps. A very few were able to get out of Germany to a safer place.

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Q: What are some ways Jews tried to escape the Nazis Europe?
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