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Strangling seemed to be his preferred method of death.

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Q: How did John Wayne Gacy kill people?
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What kind of people would John Wayne Gacy kill?

Young males.

Who tried to kill John Wayne Gacy in prison?

The man who almost killed John Wayne Gacy while in prison was convicted I-57 killer Henry Brisbon. Gacy cheated the Grim Reaper only to meet up with him by lethal injection several years later.

Did John Wayne Gacy kill anyone in Texas?

I could find no information that Gacy had ever been to Texas. As far as anyone knows his victims where from Michigan.

What did John Gacy use to kill his victims?

Gacy was partial to manual strangulation.

What you can learn from John Wayne Gacy?

I have studied serial murder for many years and John Wayne Gacy is still one of the most disturbing killers of our time. If we can learn anything at all from Gacy it would be that appearances can be deceiving. Gacy gave most people the impression that he was a benign family man and civil servant. Gacy did in fact give warning signs that all was not well within his mind but he somehow fell through the cracks and was able to murder at least 33 young men and boys. Gacy was a malignacy on the human race and in a more perfect world he should have been shut down before he was allowed to kill a single person. But of course we do not live in a perfect world, the most we can do at this point is to try to learn from the past and try to prevent any future killers like Gacy.

Why did John Wayne Gacy only kill men?

John Wayne Gacy's crimes were sexual in nature. It is a fact that male homosexual serial killers target those that appeal to them sexually, which for Gacy was young men. Just as was true of Jeffrey Dahmer in Wisconsin and Randy Kraft in California. Serial killer Ted Bundy was heterosexual, he killed only young college-aged women, because that is the type the appealed to him sexually. When a male serial killer targets those of the same sex, they are usually gay.

Did Bruce Dern kill John Wayne in a movie?

Yes, the Cowboys.

Why did lil Wayne kill people?

Because he is lil Wayne he can do what he likes xDD

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Why do people commit first-degree murder in Canada?

Murder is committed for 3 reasons or motivations. Passion, Profit and Compulsion.People who kill for profit do it very rationally and are always convinced they will not be caught.People who murder from passion have snapped and lost their mind. This kind of murder can not be deterred because they are not thinking rationally.And compulsion is the worst, its just pure compulsion to be violent and murder. Examples: John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer and Son of Sam. This kind of murder also cannot be deterred.

What was the name of the john Wayne movie where a young girl hired him to kill someone?

Must be True Grit. Wayne plays Rooster Cogburn who is hired by young Mattie Ross to find her father's murderer.

How did they kill john Wayne in the cowboys?

The character played by Bruce Dern shot him in the back. Dern loves to point out that he is only actor listed in a film's credits to portray someone who kills the character played by John Wayne. He also received death threats for that "achivement."