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Jonas froze for a moment when he had heard what his assignment was. Jonas consumed with despair. He didn't know what it even was. Jonas excepted his assignment but still hadn't known what it was or meant. He didn't know what was to become of him or what he was to become.

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12y ago
  • In the beginnig of the capter,jonas feels discomfort,not hasty,worry because he thought he was not ready to become the reciever.
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Jonas was severely depressed after the tragic torture and mutilation of his twin 12 year old sisters.

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Tanvi Sekhsaria

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4y ago

I think he is thinking about he wants to be with the others in the other community.

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He disagreed lol

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Q: How did Jonas feel about becoming the new Receiver?
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What is puzzling for Jonas about his instructions for training?

because for some of the rules like you can lie, Jonas has been taught to never lie

Where do the Jonas brothers film their new show Jonas?

They film JONAS at Hollywood Center Studios.

Is Joe Jonas gey?

Yes. Was seen at the set of their new show Jonas kissing another star Yes. Was seen at the set of their new show Jonas kissing another star

Where was Kevin Jonas bo rn?

Kevin Jonas was born in Wycoff in New Jersey

Where were the Jonas brothers from?

New Jersy

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How did Jonas feel about becoming the new receiver in the book The Giver?

Initially, Jonas felt nervous and anxious about becoming the new Receiver of Memory. As he received memories, he experienced a wide range of emotions and struggles with understanding the truth about his community. Although he felt overwhelmed at times, he also felt a sense of enlightenment and purpose in his new role.

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He will gain many memories of pain and some of joy. He will acquire wisdom for them

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Jonas was assigned to become the New Receiver.

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the giver is the old receiver who is now giving the memories to Jonas the new receiver

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In "The Giver," Jonas felt a mix of excitement and nervousness when he was selected as the new Receiver of Memory. He was intrigued by the opportunity to learn new things, but also scared of the unknown responsibilities that came with the role.

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In "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, Jonas is selected as the Receiver of Memory on page 12.

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The attendant at the Receiver's residence shows respect to Jonas by addressing him with courtesy and acknowledging his role as the new Receiver. She treats him with professionalism and reverence, understanding the significance of his position.

Why does the receiver does not respond to Jonas comment about understanding the pain of begin the new receiver the giver?

The receiver was in that pain at one point too. You have to think about how Jonas will become the receiver at one point and his whole purpose in live is to be this person that everyone respects but does nothing.

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Because Jonas is the new receiver of memory

Why does The Giver believe Jonas is a good receiver?

The Giver believes Jonas is a good receiver because he displays qualities like sensitivity, courage, and openness to new experiences. Jonas has shown potential to understand complex emotions and memories, making him well-suited for the responsibilities of being the Receiver of Memory.

Why is the book giver Called the giver?

because the person who gives Jonas the memories used to be the receiver of memory but since Jonas is the new receiver of memory, the old receiver of memory calls himself the giver because he GIVES the memories

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